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May 13, 2008 - Tuesday

Warm and sunny. Nice day.


Today was a good day. I managed to get up early for me, and even more importantly, stay up! I showered quite early and after that, did a bit of computer stuff before going to the kitchen and working on dinner. Yay me.

I had a nice lunch around 3 and then did dishes and left for my school. I made good time and got there in lots of time. It was hot inside, so I opened the window for a bit. I prepped for my first class. Luckily all the cards were easy to find today.

Both of my classes were fine today. We had good classes except I could tell that the students hadn't really done much English studying for a couple of weeks.

After class I finished up quickly and then called Fumihiko. I wanted to get on those tacos. However, he didn't answer his phone. I did the dishes and then texted him a few minutes later. He called me back a little later. He'd been at his house visiting his mother.

He picked me up and we went first to the grocery store to get some milk and other things, then home. I got into cooking mode right away and about 25 minutes later we were able to start eating. The tacos were really nice. I'd gone a little overboard on the spice powder, but it meant that they actually had a taste for a change. And, the best thing? There's enough leftover for me to have a taco omelette tomorrow or Thursday. Yeah!

We spent a quiet evening at home. We watched Monk at 11 which was okay. Then, Fumihiko took a bath and went straight to bed. He's tired again.

I have plans for tomorrow. I'm going to meet a friend for coffee in the early afternoon, then hopefully go to the bank and maybe, just maybe get my hair cut. I'm not sure about that one, but my hair is starting to look a little shaggy, so I think I should get it shortened.

Anyway, that's it for me for tonight. I'll talk to you tomorrow most likely. Night.


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