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May 14, 2008 - Wednesday

Rainy, sunny, rainy, sunny.


A good day. I got up at the time I wanted to, had some coffee and did a little computer stuff. I got dressed and then took off for the mall.

My friend met me at noon and we went to Doutors and had coffee, tea, sandwiches or cake, depending on what we wanted. We had a good old chat about this, that, love, boyfriends and husbands, who's doing what and where. It was great! Two hours flew by, and she had to go to work.

I made a quick trip to the bank to pay my school's water bill, then went to see if I could get my hair cut. I could, but not until 4 as my stylist was with another customer. So, I headed back to the mall, had a little lunch, and then went back to the salon.

I'm sure all of my readers are tired of me raving about my stylist, but she really is good. It's funny that I had to come to Japan to get great haircuts! Today, after the shampoo, she put something on my head and massaged it in. The massage part felt so good that I joked to her, "Please teach that to my husband!" She didn't get it at first, so I had to repeat it. I think she thought it was funny!

When she finished she told me that she wanted to drive me home because it was cold and raining! I said she didn't have to, I had my bike. She was insisting a little bit, but then I said I'd go back to the mall and ask my husband to pick me up after he finished work. So, basically that's what I did.

Fumihiko met me in the mall after he finished work, and I bought him a sandwich and a coffee at Doutors. Twice in one day! Still, he didn't have to come and pick me up, so I felt he deserved it.

We came home and he made us dinner. We had grilled fish, ginger pork, and deep-fried eggplant and mushrooms. It was really nice. Fumihiko also did the dishes which was deeply appreciated as I seem to have come down with a bit of eczema on my hands. I often get it this time of year when the weather changes. It's not really serious thank goodness, a couple of days of TLC and moisturizers should do the trick, but I'd like to keep my hands away from hot water with detergent in it for a bit.

The rest of the evening was relaxing. Fumihiko put on The Little Princess which he had rented a couple of days ago (it was a freebie when he renewed his point card). I loved the story, I love Frances Hodgson Burnett. The Secret Garden is still one of my favourite novels. Even my literature professor in university couldn't turn me against it! And yes, he tried.

Fumihiko fell asleep on the couch after the movie finished. I got him to go and take his bath and now he is sleeping on the bed. I'm not sure why he's not in bed, but, that's him. He's a bit daft at times!

Anyway, I had a great day. I even got to chat with my sister a little on Facebook tonight. I've never "chatted" with her before. She's so busy it's always hard to catch her.

That's it. Got to go. Night night!


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