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May 17, 2008 - Saturday

Sunny and warm. Nice day!


Today was a good day, although it didn't start that way for me! Fumihiko got up early but left his alarm clock on. That meant I was awakened at 7:30, when I didn't need to be. Sigh.

Work was good today. I had 3 classes, and they seemed to go well. Afterwards, Fumihiko called me and I let him come and pick me up.

We went to Doutors for a coffee and a quick sandwich, then came home again. We were supposed to watch a movie, but didn't. Instead we ended up having snuggle time.

Around 9 pm we went out to Moku-Moku and had a nice dinner. I had Genovase pasta, which was basically pasta in a basil sauce. It was nice. Fumihiko had the curry plate and we also ordered some nankotsu and fried octopus.

We came home again, and this time we did watch a movie. Tonight we saw Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. It was fun. It's lovely to see so many great British actors on screen hamming it up...or having a great time. The number of Academy Award winners and nominees in that cast....amazing!

Fumihiko went off to bed ages ago and I really should get to bed before the sun comes up! So, that's all you get for today.

Oh no, wait, one more thing. The way we chose the dvd was kind of cool. I read about it on Lifehack or some such website. I picked out 5 movies that I'd like to see tonight and then I let my husband pick the one we actually saw. I didn't really care which film out of the group we watched, they would all be fun, and he got to have some say in the matter. He could pick the one he thought he'd enjoy the most. It worked tonight!



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