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May 18, 2008 - Sunday

Hot and sunny. Good grief, is summer here already?


Had a good day today. It was lovely really. I went to bed really late last night, in fact it was starting to get light out when I went to bed. I didn't get up early today at all. A bit after noon though, I did drag myself out of bed and after a bit, Fumihiko and I went out for lunch.

We went to the Grand Elson and had a lovely lunch. He had fish and I had beef. It was very nice.

After lunch Fumihiko decided to drive to Sakata Port to look at the people fishing. However, I started to fall asleep along the way, and he decided that he was too tired to go as well. So, he turned around and we went off somewhere else. We ended up at the local airport to have a coffee. Fine and dandy, but the coffee shop was closed! We had to go upstairs to the expensive restaurant. The only nice thing was the view was great.

When we finished our coffee we set off on the road again, and this time ended up at Kamo port. There wasn't anybody fishing off the dock, but there was a local festival going on, so there were lots of people around.

We came home and vegged for a while. Fumihiko wanted to watch a movie, but I wasn't in the mood for it really. After a while we went out for dinner.

Tonight we had Kaitensushi, the revolving kind. The place we go is really good and the fish is quite fresh. I've been to others where the same dry piece of fish goes around and around forever. The fish doesn't last that long here! We had a good meal and then came home.

Fumihiko asked me again about watching a movie, so this time I said yes. We watched Witness, and it was great. It really stands the test of time. Harrison Ford was so good in that film. Really everyone was. We had bought the collectors edition so there was a nice documentary on the dvd about making the film. They talked to most of the cast and crew about the film. I was surprised to see Viggo Mortensen as an Amish man while I was watching, and sure enough, he was in the documentary! Kelly McGillis has really changed and of course Lukas Haas has really grown up! I wonder what Harrison Ford is doing now? (chuckle, chuckle)

Fumihiko went to bed after the movie finished and I'm debating whether to go soon or stay up later. If I'm smart, I'll go to bed soon, but I'm probably not that smart!

Talk to you tomorrow! Night night.


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