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May 16, 2008 - Friday

Sunny and warm.


I had a mostly quiet day today. I got up, didn't watch news as it wasn't on, and just kind of vegged for a while. I finally got dressed after a bit.

I made my lunch at home, but didn't watch Cold Case today as it was one I've already seen twice. Instead I watched a bit of Corner Gas. What a riot! I love that show.

After I did the dishes I decided to go out. I knew that Fumihiko would be back soon, but I just had to get out of the house under my own power. I didn't really have a destination in mind when I left, so I went around the block on my bike and then ended up over by the grocery store. I updated a passbook at the bank machines, checked on some bagels, then went to McDonalds for an iced tea.

When I came home, Fumihiko was already there. He'd thought I was in the apartment so he'd locked and barred the door. That meant I couldn't get in! I had to ring the doorbell. When he let me in we had a bit of a smooch. We spent an enjoyable couple of hours together too.

We went to Jiro for dinner. We tried to find the new location for Benkei's (our favourite izakaya seems to have moved) but it didn't look like it was open yet, so we opted for Jiro instead. I had my old favourite, pork saute with garlic oil, but Fumihiko tried a new dish, gratin set. He got macaroni and fried chicken. His looked good, but mine was great!

We got a few groceries and then came home. We had a very quiet evening. Fumihiko was looking up news about the earthquake in China and telling me all sorts of tales. I really wish he wouldn't. I heard a lot about it already on the news today and that close to bedtime isn't good for my sleep. It's scary enough living in a country that gets earthquakes without hearing about another country's.

He's off to bed now, and I'll be in a few minutes too. I'm a little tired and have a busy day tomorrow. Wish me luck! Night night.


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