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May 30, 2008 - Friday

Cloudy, cool and windy.


Today was a back to normal kind of day. I drank a lot of coffee, watched Re:Genesis and then played around on my computer.

I watched Cold Case while I made and ate brunch. It was one of my favourite character's featured performances, so even though I've watched it three times already, I watched it again!

I went to work, got there a little later than I wanted and checked my set up for the day. It was fine really, I just worry. When my student came we had a pretty good class. At the end of the class we played a making word game and I think he liked it. Yay.

Fumihiko came and picked me up at the school tonight. We stopped at the grocery store to pick up our veggies, then came home and had our yakiniku. It was really nice. We had some bamboo root stew, salad and the yakiniku. We couldn't finish it all! We'll have to try and finish it up tomorrow or Sunday at the latest.

We had a quiet evening together. It was low key. Fumihiko has just gone to bed and I'll go soon too. I'm not terribly tired, but Fumihiko wants to take me to the doctor tomorrow to see about my scalp. As I have classes, I have to go before them. Wish me luck. I really don't like going to Japanese doctors as they tend to be arrogant and have no concept of "bedside manners." Well, that's been my experience with them anyway.

So, here I am, done blogging and it's not even midnight yet. Amazing! Night.


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