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May 31, 2008 - Saturday

Cloudy and rainy.


I got up at 7:45 this morning. I can't quite believe it! Fumihiko was going to take me to the doctor. We got there before 9:00 am and the place was packed. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, seeing the doctor, I mean. He spoke a bit of English, but there was absolutely no privacy there. If you had a skin problem in a private place, there were some curtained off areas, but as for not being overheard, forget about it! Still, my problem is my scalp, so I didn't have to get too private. He looked at it, did think it was a bit red, and gave me some lotion for the worst of the itchiness. He also gave me some cream for my hand which has a bit of ezcema right now. I haven't really used it. I probably will before I go to bed though. Sigh.

We had brunch/breakfast after we finished, then Fumihiko wanted to go to Yamaya. They have foreign foods there. I found some decaf coffee there, it says it's 90 percent decaffeinated. We got it. It wasn't too expensive, so if I'm able to drink it, it will help keep our costs down.

Fumihiko dropped me off at my school and I got to work. I had two kids classes today and they went quite well. I tried a couple of new things today in my warm up and they were good. They really gave me an idea of how much the children really remember of their phonics.

After classes, Fumihiko picked me up and we went to Doutors for coffee. After the coffee we picked up a few things in the grocery store in the mall, then came home.

We were relaxing and I wasn't really very hungry yet. Fumihiko asked me a couple of times if I wanted to go for a snack before supper. I told him no, but if he wanted we could have supper then. He said no, but then he said he had to take some medicine. His medicine has to be taken after food. I suggested having dinner then after all, but he was a bit mad and stormed off to the bedroom. I wasn't the nicest I could have been really, so I don't blame him. I had my dinner and it was great. I had a bagel, some smoked salmon my friend sent from Canada, and salads. Yummy.

After I did the dishes I went in to see how Fumihiko was and we had a cuddle. When he woke up, he came out to the kitchen and he had his dinner. He finished up last night's yakiniku, plus he had some salmon and some of the salads.

He was watching a lot of stuff on the TV that I wasn't interested in, so I decided to watch Dexter on my computer. I hadn't finished watching season one yet, so I watched the last two episodes of season one. Wow! Good stuff. I already knew the big twist because a fellow blogger blogged about it and didn't post a spoiler. I had read her entry, but the episodes surprised me too. I didn't expect them to do things the way they did. Good on them.

Fumihiko went to bed hours ago, and I know that I really should too! I'm a bit tired, especially since I got up so darn early.

No idea what our plans for tomorrow are. I'd venture a guess that we don't have any!

Wish me luck. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Night.


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