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July 26, 2008 - Saturday

Warm and sunny. Lovely day.


I had a pretty decent day today. I got up on time, showered and then watched Medium. It was probably the best acted episode that I've seen so far. Alison woke up as someone else and Joe (Jake Weber) had to deal with her and the children. He was really good, and surprisingly, so was Patricia Arquette.

Fumihiko and I did a quick stop by my school before brunch to turn on the AC, then had an okay meal in Gusto. He dropped me off afterwards at my school again.

I had quite a good day, with a really long break in between classes. My first class went very well and we had fun as always. After her class I did paperwork, and a bit of prep for next week. I went out to get something to eat and came back and read more of my Marie Claire and then I got started on my newest Dick Francis. My second class of the day, was the student's first class with me. It went okay. I think next time will be a little better.

After work, Fumihiko came to pick me up and we came home for a brief stop. We decided to go and see a movie at Mikawa and to have dinner over there too. We drove out and shared a pizza. We both had salad on the side too. It was fine. Then, the movie. We went to see The Happening. It was interesting. I'm still not sure if I liked it or not. Some of it was quite disturbing, but some of it was oddly intriguing.

We came home and had a quiet evening. Just before 1 am, Heroes came on, so I watched that. I enjoyed it. Fumihiko doesn't really get it I'm afraid. Either that or he's so tired he doesn't care about it.

So, basically, that was my day. I hope that tomorrow will be good too. Catch me tomorrow night and find out all about it! Night night.


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