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July 25, 2008 - Friday

Nice day. Muggy in the evening, sunny in the daytime.


I realized this morning that I am not a princess. I woke up hearing soft music. I was lying on my cell phone, and the alarm was ringing. I got up just in time to see Charles Gibson say "And we hope you have a good evening." Ack! I missed the news. The one day this week that it was on and I missed it.

I hung up my clothes in our drying room. Last night I had set the washing machine to come on in the morning with a load of my clothes in it. I set another load going and took a nap. When I got up again, I did more clothes and while I waited for them, vacuumed the apartment. In the process, I found Fumihiko's missing car keys, so yay for me!

After all that physical exercise, I had to work on my computer for a bit. I did a lot of email stuff, some moderating for one of my groups and also some work for my school. So, all in all, a busier sort of day for me. There was another nice thing about today, it wasn't terribly humid. I kept the windows open in the apartment and didn't need the air conditioner at all.

Around 4 today I made my omelette and started to get ready for school. I ate and then headed off to my school at 5. Usually I have to be earlier on a Friday but my first student had a school event today. I opened up the school and went in. I got everything ready.

When the time came for my student, she didn't. Oh dear. I gave her 10 minutes and then called her. She called me back within a couple of minutes and said that she was working and couldn't come. I felt sorry for her, so we scheduled her next class and rang off. I called Fumihiko and asked him to come and get me.

We had a nice dinner tonight in Jiro, our favourite pork saute with garlicky onions. Yum. Afterwards we came home and relaxed. It's nice to have Fumihiko home, but last night was fun too.

Anyway, that's my day. I quite liked it. And now, I'm off to bed. Night night!


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