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August 27, 2008 - Wednesday

Hot, humid and sunny.


A good day today. Yay!

I slept in a bit because there wasn't any news on and I had gone to bed really late. When I got up I had a quiet day around the apartment. I drank my coffee, ate some yogurt, and just basically relaxed.

In the afternoon, I got ready for work. I cooked my omelette, then washed the dishes. I headed off to work. Because I left after 5 pm, the sun was right in my eyes. Yikes. I don't like that.

I made a brief run to the drug store for my sweetener. I also saw a really cool handbag while I was there. It's a handbag that converts to a backpack. That's what I have now, and I love it. However, mine has only one small pocket inside and things don't stay put in it. My lip balm and comb often get lost in the bottom of my purse, which is a real pain. The purse in the store was smaller inside and had more pockets. It's not expensive and I have to say I love the convenience of having my hands free when I shop. I'll maybe go and have a look at it again. My current purse is looking quite shabby and is a few years old, so it's not like I buy new purses every year.

My school was hot today when I got there. It was 32 degrees. Sigh. That afternoon sun really warms the place up. I worked on cooling it down, while I got ready for my class. My student did well tonight and I think she had fun. She's still a little shy, but is doing well.

After class I changed and got ready to go home. I called my hubby but didn't get an answer. However, he called me back about 10 minutes later. He picked me up and we went home. Tonight, I cooked!

Dinner tonight was only a stirfry, but it was rather nice. I used prepackaged veggies, but added a lot of shimeji mushrooms, a small zucchini and half an onion. Yum. Fumihiko thought it was nice too, and even did the dishes for me. Yay.

In the evening Fumihiko and watched some TV and I downloaded some information for my student from the internet. It was a quiet evening, but quite friendly and nice.

Tomorrow I work late, so I won't be cooking dinner. I told Fumihiko that he's in charge of that. He can either cook it or buy it! It's his choice. I'm so mean.

So, basically that was my day. It was good. Tomorrow I might go to the post office or I might do laundry. I haven't decided yet. Wish me luck. Night!


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