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September 3, 2008 - Wednesday

Cloudy and rainy most of the day.


An okay day. I got up this morning, checked for news and then went and had a nap on my bed. A few minutes later I got a phone call. A student cancelled his class for next week. I got up and stayed up then!

I had a quiet day at home. I did tackle my corner. I have a heap of books and magazines next to my computer desk and every so often it needs straightening out and tossing out too. I tossed a bit, moved some of the books and then called myself done!

Fumihiko came home around 5:30. We chatted for a bit and then went to the mall. We went to get my rings but when I tried them on, they were still tight. Sigh. I could wear them singly, but together they were too tight. So, we put them back in to be made even bigger.

We went and had coffee or tea after that at Doutors. It was nice to be out today.

We had dinner at Hirabokujo, the tonkatsu restaurant. It was good, and I was hungry, but....I didn't want something so big. I was really hoping to have soba or something lighter for dinner. Still it was Fumihiko's choice so I couldn't say much.

We came home right after dinner and Fumihiko immediately went into our bedroom, shut the door and stayed there. I was a bit stunned honestly. I hadn't seen him all day, and then he goes to sleep before 9 pm.

I spent most of the time doing things on the internet but around 2:00 am I prepared the coffee for him in the morning and then I did all the garbage stuff up. I must have woken someone up!

He came out of the bedroom and asked me if I'd like to go to the grocery store. I wasn't sure why. Apparently he's been making yogurt again and used up all of the milk. I am not very impressed. I let him go off by himself. I hope he's okay.

Anyway, that was it for my day. It was interesting, but very quiet.



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