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September 2, 2008 - Tuesday

Hot and sunny. Lovely day.


I woke up this morning because Fumihiko knocked over his bedside light and made a lot of noise! Not a big problem really. I did go back to sleep very soon afterwards. I got up later when my cellphone alarm rang. I got up, then I napped on the couch. Sigh. Leather couch, hot weather, dripping Helen. Yuck.

I had a quiet day at home. I wasn't nearly as motivated to do things as I was yesterday, so didn't. I watched a bit of TV and left for my school after making my lunch.

On the way to my school I saw and talked with one of my old students. She working in the area now. We chatted for a few minutes, but I really had to go to work. When I got to my school it was a horrid 33. 8 degrees inside. Yuck. That is way too hot for me.

My first class went really well today. The student constantly amazes me at how well he's doing. After class I spoke to his mother and told her that he was doing well and that I finally ordered his next textbook. If all goes well I should have it for her next week.

In my break I was quite busy. I prepped a lesson for my students for next week. It should be interesting, about going to the doctor. It's for people who are travelling more than anything thing else.

When my students came, we had a good time. We worked on noun phrases for a change and it went well. My two students work well together despite their differences in age and temperament.

After class I did my paperwork and clean up for the day. I called Fumihiko but the poor guy was taking a shower so couldn't answer. He called me back and said he'd come for me. We made a brief stop at the grocery store for bagels and rice, then came home.

I cooked the chicken from last night and set the table. Fumihiko made coffee then grilled the fish. We had quite a nice dinner. Fumihiko did the dishes too, which was nice of him. I think he did more work than I did.

He watched some TV that was boring, then after 11 I asked if we could watch Monk. We watched it. I think it was from last season, but I hadn't seen it before. Then, Fumihiko went to bed. He went off really early tonight. I'm not that tired and it's so hot right now. I have the windows open, but I'm nearly sweating. This is not my favourite time of year.

Anyway, that's it for me for tonight. I'll talk to you later, most likely! Night night.


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