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October 11, 2008 - Saturday

Rainy and cool.


Quite a good day. I got up early and watched news, then showered. When Fumihiko came home we vegged for a while, then went out for lunch.

I went to work after that. I had two classes today which went quite well. In my first class, my student had forgotten her textbook and spent the entire class apologizing for it! It was rather funny, because it wasn't that important.

After classes I did the dishes up, and did a few extra ones too. I thought it was a good idea to do the cups that hold the sugar and creamer. I called Fumihiko and he came to get me.

We went to the local camera store to print my pictures from my trip. That's where we made a mistake. Instead of going over to the counter to get the pictures made, we used the machine by the door. It was an expensive mistake. The machine only had one size of print and as I ordered duplicates of many of the shots, there were more than 50 copies. The machine jammed. We had to go over to the counter and re do a bunch of them. What a mess. I was quite ticked at my husband honestly. Because we used the machine I didn't get my bonus points from my card AND I could have ordered bigger prints for less money than the machine. Oh well, guess I'll know better for next time.

After this we drove off to the mall. We went to the alterations department and I had to try on my pants so the worker there could measure them for me. I had to have many of the new pants I bought in Canada shortened. I also had a dress taken in. That was the most expensive one!

When we finished that we spent a bit of time walking around the mall and then had dinner. We had shabu-shabu at one of the restaurant. It was nice, but as usual we ate too much.

We ended up going to see Iron Man tonight. I had actually seen it on the plane coming back from Canada, but wanted to see it again because movies on planes aren't the greatest. It was much better seeing it again in a theater. Fumihiko really laughed at it. I think he liked it more than me.

We came home home via Gusto, where we had a late late dinner. Then we came home.

At home I watched Heroes, then we watched a bit of The I.T. Crowd. At the moment we're watching Transamerica. It's quite funny and rather good. Felicity Huffman is doing a great job. I was happy to see Graham Greene in it too. I haven't seen enough of him lately.

Anyway that's it for me for tonight. I'm not sure what we're going to do tomorrow, hopefully have a good, relaxing time! Wish me luck.

Night night.


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