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October 12, 2008 - Sunday

Cooler, nice day.


I went to bed really late last night. It was around 5 when I finally took myself off to bed. I woke up a couple of hours later to use the washroom and Fumihiko was already up and at his computer. That really worried me, as I'd gone to bed just after he did. He didn't get much sleep at all. He did nap a bit on the couch and then did go back to bed for a bit, but really didn't sleep that well.

When we both got going for the day we went to Kintaro Sushi for lunch. We had quite a nice lunch there. We were stuck in a corner though and it seemed like all of my favourites didn't come down the conveyor belt to our section. We had to ask for some sushi.

We did a bit of shopping in the afternoon. We went to a hundred yen shop and I bought a lot of decorating things for my school. I got fake flowers, some Halloween decorations and a few things for winter too. After we finished there, we went to Book Off so Fumihiko could look for some books. I of course looked at DVDs. I did buy a couple, one I hadn't seen before too. Yay me. After Book Off we went to Mr. Donuts and had some coffee.

We dropped our goods at home and then had a bit of a rest. I had a power nap. Fumihiko suggested a few places for dinner but they were all "big food" places, and after yesterday and today's lunch, I didn't want too much food. We decided on Steak Miya in Sakata, so we drove there.

We had a lovely meal there. I had a combo type of plate, a little steak, a little hamburger and a grilled shrimp. Very nice.

When we finished dinner we went to Mikawa mall and saw another movie. Tonight Fumihiko used some of our free coupons, so the movie was free. We saw Get Smart. Well, I did! Fumihiko fell asleep on it. At one point he was snoring so I nudged him none too gently. I thought it was quite funny, probably a lot funnier than the original series. Some of the "set pieces" did drag on a bit long, but overall I rather liked it.

We came home afterwards. We watched ER from last Monday, but when Fumihiko tried to put on Ugly Betty, he couldn't get the English soundtrack to work. He gave up and went to bed, with the TV blaring away in Japanese. He was asleep almost immediately. Sigh.

Anyway, I really need some sleep, so I'm going to go off and try to get some. I may even have to get a quilt out tonight, the evening is a little chilly up here.

Got to go! Night night.


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