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October 27, 2008 - Monday

Cloudy and rainy.


Today was a better day, but honestly, it would be hard not to be better than yesterday.

I got up early and took out the garbage. In doing so, I also threw out a really big fish. It's terribly sad in a way. Three years ago I ordered a fish from Canada to be delivered to my apartment. It arrived, but we never got around to eating it. I didn't really know what to do with it, and so it sat in my freezer for 3 years. Today, it got the boot. Hurray.

I had a putzy morning/afternoon. I watched CSI: Miami and Cold Case, then today's episode of The 4400. After that I went out. I printed out my latest column, grabbed a magazine and went to the mall. I didn't buy anything at the 100 yen shop. Yay me.

I went to Doutors for a sandwich and a cappucino. I ate, read my magazine, and then when I finished, worked on my column. I wrote the beginning and did a little bit of editing to the stuff I'd written before. It's starting to shape up.

I came home and relaxed for a bit, then Fumihiko came home a bit later. We had a nice time avoiding any dangerous topics.

We went for dinner to Cafe Framboise. I had herb chicken with bread crumbs, hubby had a Japanese style dish. I was happy with what I had.

We made a couple of stops after, one to the drug store to pick up some cleaning supplies, then one to the grocery store.

At home we watched last week's Ugly Betty, then Jekyll. After that, we flipped over to watch ER. Today was mostly about Kovatch, with Forest Whitaker as the guest star.

And that was my day. A huge improvement over the last few, hopefully tomorrow will be good too. Night.


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