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December 13, 2008 - Saturday

Morning was gorgeous, then rain in the afternoon and evening.


I'm tired! I went to bed too late last night....curses upon the person that scheduled Sex and the City late at night. I got up a my usual time, watched British and US news, then showered.

Fumihiko and I went to Gusto for lunch and then he dropped me off at my school. I was busy for a bit. I had two classes almost back to back, then two more with an hour between each of them. They did go fairly well though.

After class, I did a quick clean up and set up for Tuesday, then left with Fumihiko. We couldn't decide where to go for coffee so we went to Mr. Donuts first. Then, we decided to go to a soba shop for dinner. It was okay. We both had hot soba with some tempura, and a couple of side dishes.

This evening we watched a movie. I grabbed 5 dvds that I wouldn't mind watching and made Fumihiko chose the one he wanted to watch most. He surprised me a bit by choosing Much Ado About Nothing. It was wonderful. I'd bought it in Sendai when we were there last. I nearly didn't, but decided that it was worth it. It was. It was so warm and glowing and silly and fun. I loved Ken and Emma together...and Emma and Denzel Washington have a nice little scene together. I was surprised by how much Fumihiko liked the film. I didn't know how he'd be with Shakespeare's English. There are enough native English speakers who don't like it that I thought he might swim a bit. He was fine. He did use subtitles a bit, but said he didn't really need them.

Anyway, we've had a quiet evening since, watching the TV. Probably I'll go to bed soon or read for a bit. I'm at a good point in my Sue Grafton.

Got to go! Night.


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