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December 14, 2008 - Sunday

Cloudy and a little snowy.


A pretty good day. It started late for me though. I woke up around 12, but didn't really get up until 3 pm. There was a reason though. When I got up around 12 I felt a bit dizzy, so I went back to bed. Fumihiko joined me and we slept for a bit longer....and I do mean slept!

When we got up and dressed we went to Kintaro sushi for a very late lunch. It was good. The place wasn't busy at first, but gradually more people came as it got closer to dinner time.

We went out to Mikawa today. I wanted to get some baking dishes. I don't have any and I'm feeling the need to do a bit of baking. We went to Nitori first, but all they had were mini versions. I wanted normal size pans. Komari had some tins, but I didn't get them. I went over to Jusco then, and they had what I wanted. I got a muffin tin and a square cake pan. I bought a brownie mix a couple of weeks ago and I've been craving brownies!

We came back home for a few hours, and even watched the end of Ratatouille. We watched Beowulf too before going out for dinner. Fumihiko's first choice was closed, so we went to a place on Ginza that we haven't been to before. I had pasta, Fumihiko had a ginger pork donburi. Both were good.

We made a quick trip through the grocery store before coming home. We had a quiet night in after that. Fumihiko put on The Twilight Zone for me, and then went to bed.

It was a nice day today, the weather though, hmm. It's getting colder and tonight there were odd flakes of snow coming down. I am hoping to be able to get out a bit tomorrow as I have a few errands I'd like to run. Wish me luck with that eh! Gotta go. Night night.


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