JR's Parlor

Fanfic Recommendations

Page 5 -- Comics (BAT, XM)

All stories are sorted by fandom and are in no particular order. Erring on the side of caution, please assume that all Adult and Slash stories are NC-17, so don’t go where you shouldn’t.

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Otherwise known as 'the secret confessions of a closet comic-junkie'. Yup, I’ve been collecting X-books on and off since I was about 10. However, I certainly never thought the characters in ways like these until I was *much* older .

Nightwing Gambit


Nightwing & Bat-Universe Stories

Links last checked on February 23, 2005.

Okay, so I’m a big ole’ newbie to the world of Nightwing (neé Robin). But damn,has the Boy Wonder gone and grown up. The Bat-fandom is unusual in that there are so many different takes on the characters. I’ll try to label whether the stories are based off the movies, the animated series or the comics.

Oracle And Nightwing by Jody Revenson
Adult. Based on the comics. Okay, here is the story that turned me into a Nightwing fan. Looking for sanctuary after a run-in with Catwoman, Nightwing goes to the wheelchair-bound Barbara Gordon (formerly known as Batgirl) for help. This story is excellent in every category -- emotional and erotic, realistic and poignant. A must read, even if you’re not a big fan of comic-fic. 78k

A New Year to Remember and Family Reactions by Terri Hayes
Gen. Based on the comics. Two ‘unofficial’ sequels inspired by Jody’s ‘Oracle and Nightwing’. The first covers a momentous turning point for Dick and Barbara, while the title of the second is pretty self-explanatory. Two well-written, refreshingly angst-free stories. (To reach parts 2 & 3 of ‘Family Reactions’, it’s easiest just to replace the ‘1’ in the URL with the appropriate number). 33k, 96k

Shutting Doors by James Walkswithwind
Slash. Based on the movies. This novel-length story weaves expertly in and out of the third and forth movies. James really takes her time here, writing from Dick Grayson’s POV to chronicle the progression of the relationship between the dynamic duo. Simply wonderful, and it has several sequels, too!

Broken Link! Ready for the Night by J.C.
Slash. A bit of the animated series, but mostly comics. After three years of estrangement, Dick Grayson returns to Wayne Manor. A solid story that hits just the right emotional key.

Broken Link! Batman Light by Syl Francis
Gen. Based on the comics. It must be hard living in the shadow of the Dark Knight. When circumstances bring Batman and his former partner together, Nightwing discovers some interesting truths. Syl has written a beautiful story here -- one that covers a lot of emotional ground not only between Batman and Nightwing, but between Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson, too.

Truth or Dare by Aya and T’Boarder
Adult/Slash. Based around the ‘Teen Titans’ comics. Isn’t it funny how every fandom seems to have a ‘truth or dare’ story? In most cases, I scurry for my ‘back browser’ button, but not this time. Aya and T’Boarder have done an amazing job of catching all of the characters at their most playful -- and sexy!

On/Off problems with link. Sea of Change series by Dannell Lites and Kerithwyn Jade
Slash. Comics. You know how I love ‘reality’ fic? Well, this series is a perfect example of it. Nightwing and Tempest find comfort from their normally hectic lives in each other. The series follows the ups and downs of their relationship, as well as how the guys’ family and friends react when they find out. Poignant and beautifully written.

The Fraternity series by Father of Lies
Slash. It must be difficult coming of age under the shadow of the Bat, which is why Tim Drake and Dick Grayson create the unique bond that the series title implies. The depth of the character study in this series is so beautifully written that it almost makes the slash part an amazing added bonus. Please note that this fic involves an adult with an underaged teenager (a fifteen year old). If that squeaks you, then do us all a favour by staying away.

Video Symbiosis -- Showtime by SKH
Slash. Short, sweet, with an excellent twink. Dick Grayson decides to give Barbara ‘Oracle’ Gordon a show when he catches her spying on him via computer-link. But is everything what it seems? 20k

Over Guinness by Reccea
Non-graphic slash. Based on the comics. Arsenal contemplates his feelings for Nightwing, with a little help from Donna Troy and a few pints of Guinness. I love Reccea’s take on Roy, and she does a great job with Dick and Donna as well. Don’t forget to check out the sequel. 28k, 9k

Inspired By by nw’s chick
Slash. Set in the animated series, Dick Grayson experiments sexually with another - male - college student. But after the “no one can be a boy wonder forever” estrangement is over, how will Bruce react to his ‘son’s’ preferences? The sequel is now available -- Dating Batman. 50k, 139k

Letting Go by Dannell Lites
Gen. Based on the comics. Man, this story has a three Kleenex minimum, and oh is it so good! The death of his mentor sends Dick into such a spiral of despair, not even Barbara and Alfred can help. Will Dick be able to save himself, and just what secret is Dick hiding? An exceptional angst-fest! There are also a couple of sequels available here Major character death.. 64k

Heromones by nw’s chick
Non-Graphic Slash. Wally West and Kyle Raynor shoot the shit over the superhero lifestyle, calorie counting...oh, and Nightwing. A nice little character study. 20k

An Object Lesson by Devil Child

Slash. I've really been enjoying Kevin Smith's run on Green Arrow, and I'm sad to see it come to a close. However, my renewed interest in Connor Hawke has not abated, especially not since they continue to drop canon hints about Connor's sexuality. In this series of short stories, Devil Child has the World's Greatest Detective figuring out a few things about Green Arrow, Jr. A couple of sequels can be found here and here. 13K, 15K, 8K


Gambit & X-Men Stories

Links last checked on April 13, 2003.

My first issue of X-Men was #143, but it wasn’t until TPTB introduced the Ragin’ Cajun a hundred and twenty-something issues later that I became obsessed with a single character. And Remy LeBeau, aka Gambit, is arguably the most slashible character in the X-Universe

Sunrise by Alestar

Slash. A lovely little pair up between Gambit from the X-Men and Pete Wisdom of Excaliber. 31k

Following Through by Glam
Slash. When Bobby Drake returns to the X-fold, he’s met by the one X-Man he never expected to see -- Gambit. But will a car accident on the way home bring hidden feelings into the open, or will it tear apart these two mutants forever? Nicely written. 54k

A Different Kind of Craving (aka the Mooks series) by Kaylee
Slash. What a treat this in-progress series is turning out to be. Kudos to Kaylee for writing stories about *mutants* that is so grounded in reality. Touching and realistic, this whole series is a must-read.

Images of Stone Parts 1-3 by Silver Rayne and Part 4 by A. Lias
Slash. Life in the mansion is never easy, especially when Wolverine starts taking an unusual interest in Gambit. But can Remy overcome his insecurities, and will Logan finally admit that he’s falling for the Cajun? Nicely written.

Alegria by Tangerine
Slash. The best of two worlds is what you get in this beautiful, angst-filled tale. Working in her own Rictor/Shatterstar series, ‘Star is driven to the breaking point when Julio is seriously injuried. There is also a wonderful Bobby Drake cameo, borrowed with loving care from Kaylee’s Mooks Universe. 140k

Jump or Fall by Viridian5
Slash. What starts out as a chance meeting turns into a one night stand between Gambit and X-Man -- but what a night is! Viridian has a wonderful take on a very difficult character to write, Nate Grey. 60k

Talking It Out by TM
Gen. TM has written a wonderful addition to Kaylee’s Mooks Universe. It’s one father to another as Jean Luc LeBeau has a one-sided discussion with Drake Sr. regarding the relationship between their sons. A well-thought out, adeptly handled story; just beware of on again, off again accents. 45k

Ange Tomb (Fallen Angel) by Morgana
Non-graphic slash. I had to reread this one before deciding to add it here, but I have to admit that I was really taken with Morgana’s take on what really happened to Remy down in the great frozen south (hint: do you know where your favourite Master of Magnetism is?). Remy returns to the mansion and finds a surprising source of support, Bobby Drake. 140k

Walking Wounded by Rebop
Slash. For some reason, Gen X’s Chamber has always reminded me a bit of my favourite Cajun, but Rebop takes the similarities in a new (and very interesting) direction. When a depressed Remy crosses paths with a ready-to-end-it-all Jonothan Starsmore, the results are absolutely kinetic. There is also a sequel, still in progress. 95k

Road Trippin’ by Kate Brolin
Adult. Set in the movieverse, Rogue and Bobby use one of their college summer vacations to track down a still missing-in-action Logan. Kate does a nice job using flashback to illustrate the growing relationship between Rogue and Bobby, and the frustration Bobby feels towards the end of the story is achingly real. 85k

We’re Not What You Think series by Mo
Slash. Set in the Movieverse, this interesting series explores the start and continuing relationship between Logan and Scott. Nicely done and well-worth the read. 45k Some scrolling is required to reach this series.

Logan’s Experiment by O
Slash. Things get interesting when Wolverine decides to see just how well that ‘Charm Power’ of Gambit’s works. 45k

Broken Link! The Sweet Taste of Wine by Lise
Slash. This sure ain’t a happy fic, but oh does it pack a whallop. Bobby Drake finds out some things about himself in his casual affair with Remy LeBeau. Unfortunately, he loses a part of himself as well. Short and bittersweet, but oh so beautifully done. 11k

The Toronto series by Tangerine
Slash. Funny, I never really cared for either Arcangel or Northstar, at least not until Tangerine decided to team these two arrogant, self-absorbed characters together. What do you know? Thanks to Raonaid for the nudge to read this one -- even if it did take me a while to get around to it!

Thick as Thieves by Valerie Jones and Lori McDonald
Gen. This is actually the second story in the Two Thieves series. Bobby Drake asks Remy to teach him how to be a thief. Both get more than they bargined for, however. This is a really nice exploration of both characters, and it’s just plain fun to see Iceman play apprentice to Gambit’s master. 629K

The Betrayal Arc by Valerie
Gen. I’m not a big fan of comic gen-fic, but this is one series that really makes an impression. Taking the ‘traitor-within-the-X-Men’ theme from canon, Valerie creates her own version of the storyline, one that explores the history of Gambit -- past, present and possible future. Fans of the X-books should not miss this one.

Imaging the X-Men by Jane St. Clair
This contains artfully nude and semi-nude photographs. This has got to be one of the most creative endeavors I’ve come across in fandom. It’s not so much a fanfic, but rather a ‘coffee-table’ book on the members of the various X-Teams, as well as Alpha Flight. Jane has compiled a beautiful selection of pictures. Clicking on the images will access the ‘background’ of each photograph and ‘interviews’ with each of the ‘photographed’ subjects. This may take awhile to download, especially if your modem is slow, but it is well worth the effort.

Shared Peace by Rocky Cat
Slash. Tensions between Remy and Logan heat up when they are on a mission together. Rocky Cat does a nice job with the characterizations in this one. 61k

Where the Wild Things Are by Jane St. Clair and Te
Slash. Jane St. Clair and Te writing together. Is *anyone* surprised that these stories ended up on my recs page? What starts out as a one night stand between Sam Guthrie and Nate Grey gets a little more complicated when Sam’s post-coital thoughts reveal his greatest secret. But what happens when the object of Cannonball’s concealed affections, Cable, happens to telepathically ‘overhear’? A couple of sequels are now available. 20k

Broken Link. Sunday Comfort by Makes Rain Woman
Adult. Jono offers a little comfort to a distressed Jubilee. Not much more than a PWP, but damn beautifully written. 13k

Catch a Falling Star by paxnirvana
Adult/Slash (in flashback). Just when you think you're out, they reel you back in! Or so Kitty Pryde thinks when she accidentally bumps into an on-the-run Shatterstar. Will the two be able to help each other, and what's with the attraction between them all of a sudden? And more importantly, what is Shatty's ex, Rictor, going to have to say about the whole situation? A well thought out, nicely written story. 163k

Lost Boys by Rebop
Slash. I don't often rec works-in-progress, so when I do, you know they have to be good. When their plane crashes in a remote jungle, Beast and Gambit find they have more in common than just survival instincts. The fact that Rebop manages to make this pairing seem like the most natural thing in the world speaks volumes of the writing skills of the author. Some scrolling is required to reach the story. In progress.

Unusual Behavior by Rabid X
Slash. Think you know Bobby Drake? Well, you probably haven't seen anything like Rabid X's version of him. For that matter, neither has Logan. But Wolverine is about to learn that there is a lot more to the Iceman than he ever imagined. I love how Rabid portrays this whole new side of Bobby without ever loosing sight of his canon personality.

Friendly Wager by DarkRiver
Slash. Little do Hank and Bobby know just how much their friendship is about to change as a result of the bet that gives this gem of a story its title. DarkRiver sure has all the ducks in a row with this one -- characterization, solid writing, and a lovely first time.

The 17th of Tammuz and Within the Straits by Azurine
Non-Graphic Slash. Ouch! This a dark one, so cruise on by if it isn't your cup of tea. The X-Men suffer some heavy losses, and the surviors each have to find their own way of coping. For Wolverine, it's a new obsession...with Gambit. The '17th' is Gambit's POV, 'Straights' is from Logan's. 29K, 30K

The Rough, The Smooth and The In-Between by Glamour Ghoul
Adult/Slash. In an AU where Jean is with Logan, he surprises her with a one night Menage a Trois involving everybody's favourite thief -- Gambit. Don't forget your drool buckets for this one! 70K

Stranger Blue by paxnirvana
Slash. Let me just say for the record that I HATE the new X Team comics. If it weren't for 'new' Bobby and the not-often-enough-for-my-taste Gambit appearance, I'd stop buying them altogether. But just when I'm about to give up hope, a story this good comes along to renew my interest. It's really not more than a PWP?, but pax blends together the sweetness of friendship with the heated sex that comes from too many years of excuses and denial. You'll want to read this one again and again. 33K

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