JR's Parlor

Fanfic Recommendations

Page 2 -- DS, HL, TS

All stories are sorted by fandom and are in no particular order. Erring on the side of caution, please assume that all Adult and Slash stories are NC-17, so don’t go where you shouldn’t.

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Page 1: Buffy - Willow/Angel Buffy Slash Angel: The Series BtVS - Graham stories Roswell
Page 2: Due South Highlander Sentinel
Page 3: JAG The West Wing Once a Thief X-Files
Page 4: Battlestar Galactica Stargate SG-1 SW:Phantom Menace
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Page 6: Voyager - Chakotay/Paris Paris/Kim Janeway/Paris Paris/Seven of Nine Enterprise
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Page 9: Smallville
Page 10: Harry Potter - Gen/Het Harry Potter - Slash

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Due South

Paul and David in Amsterdam Ben and Ray K.

Links last checked on February 23. 2005.

What can I say? I was a late arrival to the Due South fandom (I saw my first episode in January '98). By then, there were already two Rays, but I like both of them.

The Writings of Elaine Walker

Mostly slash. Elaine is a truly talented and prolific (yea!) writer. I love all of her stories, but my undisputed favourite is ‘Dictates of the Heart.’ Note: This link will take you to the search engine of the DS archive. Simply enter Elaine's name in the author search field.

The Writings of Mitch Hudson
Slash. I first read Mitch’s work in various DS zines, but the on-line stuff found on the Due South Slash site is just as awesome. I don’t think I’ve ever read another author who writes such realistic sex scenes, let alone such wonderful plotlines. Don’t miss the ‘Buck and Change’ series!

The Warmth of Spring by Fuzzicat
Slash. Oh my, oh my. As a true Mountie fan, I was stunned by how much I enjoyed this RV/RK story. Fuzzi’s dialogue is amazing -- for both Rays (except for the subject matter, it could be right out of an episode)! In fact, I loved this story so much, I volunteered to beta read the sequel!!

Close Quarters by T’Mar
Slash. T’Mar writes in many fandoms, but I first discovered her through her DS writings. This one is a sweet little story about RV and Fraser moving in together, complete with a tender first time scene.

The Thin Line Between Love and Hate by Vikster
Non-graphic Slash. When Vecchio is accused of shooting Frank Zuko, Fraser finds more than he bargined for as he works to prove Ray’s innocence.

International Relations by Adrienne
Slash. A lovely first time story with that realistic edge I love so much. Fraser has been transferred back to Ottawa. When Ray comes to visit, things get a little out of hand. Will their friendship survive? Be sure to search the archive for parts 2 and 3 of this series.

A Perfect Question by Lisa Martin
Slash. A perfect story is more like it. I loved this one from the first time I read it in the zine ‘Pure Maple Syrup 7’. Ray V. finds himself in an awkward spot when Ben asks what exactly a ‘come on’ is.

Truth or Dare - A Due South Round Robin
Slash. Although I’m not a big fan of round-robins in general, this one is truly an exception. Contributing writers include: Dveyka, Dianne, Mitch Hudson, Lisa Martin, The WolfWalker, and Vickie among others. A boring stakeout leads to a childhood game with very adult consequences.

Wounds by Laurie Redwood
Gen. When the bullet in Fraser’s back causes a life-threatening infection, both Ben and Ray V. must finally come to terms with the emotional and physical ramifications of the shooting.

Vigil and Lust and Strength by Jennifer
Slash. Although these two stories are both short, they sure do pack quite a punch. Beginning with the final scene of one my fav episodes of the 3/4 season, The Ladies Man, Kowalski finds comfort of a different sort from Fraser. The sequel picks up the story beautifully from where ‘Vigil’ ends.

The Alchemy series by Caroline Alert
Slash. The course of love never runs smoothly, especially in fanfic. Caroline has written a gripping set of BF/SRK stories that not only puts the guys through the emotional wringer, but takes the reader right along with them. Be sure to search the archive for the other parts of this series.

On This Rainy Night by Northerner
Adult. They say variety is the spice of life, so how’s this for a little switch -- a SRK/FV story. Although it borders on a PWP, this little gem is a refreshing change of pace. Hot sex, too.

Buddy Breathing by Caroline Alert
Slash. This one came from a reader recommendation, but I fully agree that it’s a terrific story. Set after the events of ‘Mountie on the Bounty’ episodes, Ray struggles to come to terms with the ‘buddy breathing’ incident, as well as his own feelings about Fraser. The characterizations are extremely well-done.

The Poker Night series by Ruth Devero
Slash. This BF/RV was originally published in the Due Frisky zines, but thankfully it is now available on the net. When Fraser is dealt a losing hand at poker, Ray dares OFM to put his best *ahem* asset on the table. All of the stories have a magnificent sense of charm to them, something that you don’t read as much of in a lot of the newer DS stories.

The Better Angels by Bone and Aristide
Slash. Two of the absolute best slash writers on the net have turned their eyes to DS, and this powerful story is the result. Set post-COTW, Ray K. finds himself out of his element and out of control with his feelings for Fraser. Emotional, steamy...and a must read!

The Near Wild Heaven Trilogy by AuKestrel
(1) Losing My Religion, (2) Sweetness Follows, and (3) Near Wild Heaven
Slash. Oh man, IMHO, what’s *not* to love about this story? Realism, good characterization, good dialogue, great sex, and novel length -- shall I go on? This is simply a wonderful chronicle (in realistic glory) of a relationship between Fraser and Ray Kowalski. Although some Ray V. fans out there might be upset by the way he is portrayed -- I’m sorry, but I have to say that I think his reaction to the whole situation would probably be accurate. Kudos to AuK for *hours* of great reading!

Ring Of Fire by Zen and Nancy
Slash. Here’s something you don’t see much of on this page -- a rec for a PWP! But this one is well deserved. My two favourite slackers have done an incredible job capturing both Ray K. and Fraser’s personalities in this little story that is so hot it sizzles.

How Ray Got His Groove Back by Bone and Aristide
Slash. Geez, like this page needs another rec for a Bone and/or Aristide story. I guess it wouldn’t be a problem if they weren’t such amazing writers. But they have outdone themselves with this F/K first time story. Things get a bit out of hand (pun intended) when Fraser unexpectedly drops by while Ray is... ‘coping’. Keep a glass of ice water nearby for this one. You’re gonna need it. 176k

Twice Descending by Destina Fortunato
Slash. Destina has added another fandom to her already diverse list. Emotions heat up when Fraser demonstrates his willingness to risk his life for Ray K.’s. Destina’s characterizations are so dead-on, it’s difficult to believe that this is her first DS story. 44k

True North by Crysothemis
Slash. Man, I’ve been meaning to rec this story forever, but every time I read it again (yes, I have read it *that* many times), I kept forgetting to move it to my ‘must-rec’ folder. This is, IMHO, one of the absolute best RK/BF stories out there. When Maggie accidentally reveals Ben’s secret, Ray runs back to Chicago. What follows is a long, beautifully written journey of self-discovery for Ray. Painfully realistic, I cannot praise Crysothemis enough for writing this gem. 373K

Scrabble by Speranza
Slash. And now for something completely different. I have to rec this story, if for no other reason than its originality. Speranza has written two sides of an exceptional first time story, but the real creativity here is the side-by-side formatting. It may be a little annoying at first, but once you get the hang of it, it’s well-worth the trouble. 292K

Family Portrait by Journey
Slash. Most visitors to this page know that I’m not a big fan of AU’s, so when you see one rec’d here, you know it has to be good. In this story, the road of canon forks at the beginning of the ep ‘Burning Down the House’. Fraser returns to Chicago and meets a very different Ray K., one that is a widower and a father of two. Journey takes the time to explore both characters in depth, which only makes the inevitable relationship between them even more complete and compelling. 442k

American Way by Resonant
Slash. Ray K. sees a whole, new surprising side of Fraser when a case forces his partner to go undercover...as an American. Resonant has such a gift with her writing. The entire story has the feeling of a DS episode, and the way she builds the relationship between Ray K. and Fraser makes you wish the story would go on and on. 102k

Helping Hands by Sandy Steiner

Slash. The stories from the BF/RK zine Serge Protector are starting to appear on the web, and this was one of my favourites. I've seen this plot device in several fandoms, but rarely this well written. A cast on Ray's hand leads to a very intimate offer.

Creature Comforts by Rushlight

Slash. In the mood for a hot PWP? Have I got rec for you. Ray, Fraser and a quiet night at home -- at least for the first 1/4 of the story. 38K

Like a House on Fire by Beth H. and Kellie Matthews
Slash. Do I really need to keep recommending stories Kellie Matthews has a hand in writing? Probably not, but this one deserves special mention. Set after the end of the series, Ray returns to Canada after a long, complete absence from Fraser's life. What I loved most about this story was the reversal of some DS fanfic standards. For once, it's Fraser life that is slowly deteriorating, and it's Ray who is the stabilizing force that is needed to make things right. Loved it, loved it, loved it! 550K



Duncan and
Pic taken from Methosluvr’s Photo Page

Links last checked on April 15, 2003.

Oh my, my, my. While I always enjoyed Highlander, Duncan MacLeod just didn’t push my buttons. Then TPTB introduced a new character, a certain 5,000 year old man. Once I caught my first glimpse of Methos, my heart and hormones were lost. Call me twisted, but I love a man with a cynical edge, and boy howdy, does Methos deliver.

Consent of the Twain by Aristide

Adult/Slash. D/M/A. Oh.My.God. This story is one of my all time favourites in any fandom, and best of all, there's a sequel! Methos and Amanda decide to broaden the Highlander’s perspective -- and do they ever succeed!! Yowza!!

Tempting Fate by SCM
Slash. Another all time favourite of mine, this story had me laughing so hard I was crying! And a great first time scene, too! Suze has a true gift for writing Duncan and Methos’ inner-most thoughts. "Wake up and smell the haggis, Highlander!" It's brilliant!

Warmth of the Sun by Rachael Sabotini
Slash. Okay, so I have a strange fascination with post-"Not to Be" stories, but this is one of the best. Actually the third part of a series, "Warmth" is a beautiful story. A few decades after Mac disappeared, Methos finds him again. One of the many amazing stories on Rachael’s site, so check out the others, too.

Gift of the Raven by Killashandra
Slash. Another wonderful post-“Not to Be” story. What if Mac actually had a reason for walking out into the mist that night? Like finding Methos before he leaves the Highlander for good? A beautiful first-time story.

The Domesticity series by Monica L. Anthony
Slash. This is a lovely series that follows the path of a relationship between Duncan and Methos. Realistic, angsty, loving...it's got it all.

Writings of Maygra de Rhema
Gen, Adult, and Slash. Maygra is one of the absolute best fanfic writers out there. Not only is she prolific, but her writing is *sooo* damned good, I really can't pick just one. Maygra changed her webpage not too long ago (it now requires a password which you can get by writing to her directly).

Little Earthquakes by Zen and Nancy
Slash. Get ready for a brilliantly written trip through the emotional ringer with this one. Driven apart following an awkward ‘morning after’, Methos nevertheless comes to Duncan’s rescue when an old enemy of the R.O.G. grabs the Highlander. But will the old man be able to heal the scars left in the wake of the event? Contains graphic violence and rape.

Transcendence by Diana DeShaun
Slash. What if Duncan and Methos got more than they bargined for in the double quickening -- like telepathy? Great plot, lovely writing, and best of all, a cameo by Connor MacLeod.

Glimpses of Spring by Rac
Slash. This beautiful little tale is set in Japan where, on a rare break from the daily strangeness of their lives, Duncan and Methos discover a new sense of hope, purpose, and the renewal of their friendship. This story originally appears in the pages of the fantastic zine, 'Futures without End'. Thanks to Rac for putting this gem out on the net!

The Stonecutters, and A Roof Against the Rain by Taselby
Slash. Two more awe-inspiring stories out of the pages of Maygra’s ‘Futures Without End’ zines. Most writers have a tendency to prefer writing for one character over another, but Taselby deftly captures first Methos’, then Duncan’s POV in these two stories. From a moving first time to the dreaded morning after...well...I just can’t recommend these stories highly enough.

Duet by Killashandra
Slash. In the past, I’ve tried to avoid recommending more than one story by the same author, especially in the same fandom -- but if forced to, I don’t think I could choose a favourite between Killashandra’s stories. This one is basically a PWP, but is it ever beautifully crafted.

Sanctuary by Killashandra
Slash. Okay, so the movie blew, don’t let that stop you from reading this completely awe-inspiring story. After the events of ‘End Game’ Duncan turns to a very old friend for support. Don’t be fooled by the short description. Never one to disappoint with her stories, Killashandra has outdone herself this time with a tender loving portrayals. 65k

When After a Long Life by Sleeps with Coyotes
Slash. Two years after the events of 'Not To Be', Methos receives a surprise visit from the long-absent Highlander. But why? Sleeps with Coyotes handles the characters very well. 46k

Renewal by Tarshaan
Non-graphic slash. Written in answer to the 'Where Does He Go' HL challenge. Methos leaves once again to find himself -- only this time his lover, Mac, is waiting for him. Tarshaan says that this story haunts her, and now it haunts me as well. 41k

Begin Again by the lady of shalott

Slash. The lady is good, you have to know. Although there isn't much of a plot, this is one of my favourites of her stories, mainly because *this* is how I really see the first time for Duncan and Methos. Simple and totally in character. 32K


The Sentinel

Jim and Blair Blooper Reel
Pics taken from Whispers from the Heart

Although I've had other 'crushes,' the Sentinel was my first real 'love' when it comes to fanfiction. I haven't been as involved in it recently, so some of these recommendations may be from an older selection of stories. While most of the stories listed here are slash, there are also some gen suggestions under the ‘Crossover’ heading.

Links last checked on April 15, 2003.

Hunger by Kim Gasper

Slash. Kim is an awesome writer -- one of my all-time favourites. Trying to choose the ‘best’ story of Kim’s to recommend is like backing into a buzzsaw and trying to identify the sharpest tooth on the blade. Hunger, however, has always been a favourite of mine since the first time I read it. Jim, Blair, and one of the absolute hottest sex scenes I’ve ever read. There are tons of other incredible stories (including two sequels to 'Hunger' at Kim’s Cafe as well.

Reunion by Legion
Slash. It was tough trying to pick just one story to recommend (that buzzsaw is still spinning), but Reunion wins by a nose (or whatever part of anatomy comes to mind). Jim and Blair have gone their separate ways. When chance brings them together again, will they be able to put the past behind them? I loved it when I first read it in a zine, and now that it’s available on the net, it joins the other amazing fiction at Legion’s site.

Goodnight, Love by Saraid
Slash. Saraid really outdid herself with this series chronicling the progression of a relationship between Jim and Blair. Written over the course of several months, Saraid keeps the story realistic as she explores the up-and-downs of the new relationship. Absolutely brilliant.

The Tools of the Trade Series by Pumpkin
Slash. Pumpkin delivers a hot little series where Blair and Jim discover the ...ahem... bonuses of police equipment.

Broken Link! Sound of Silence by Mysti
Slash. Oh man, does Mysti know how to tug those heartstrings. This is a series of vignettes that take place after Blair has traumatically lost his hearing. Mysti beautifully illustrates the emotional turmoil of adjusting to a physical handicap not only for Jim and Blair, but for those around them as well.

A Million Pieces by Candy Apple
Slash. Candy writes excellent, compelling, lengthy stories. Set sometime in the future, Blair is the only suvivior of a murderous attack that takes the lives of Jim’s wife and baby daughter. It is a gripping, emotional journey of loss, grief and, most importantly, hope.

Driven by Instinct by Jayd
Slash. This was one of the first stories I ever received when I joined SXF and it’s still as amazing to me now as it was then. Blair’s and Jim’s relationship is forever changed when...well, the title pretty much sums it up nicely. Beautifully written.

The Push Series by Wolfling
Slash. What a first time writing effort! This series gets its start as two missing scenes, and Wolfling beautifully crafts them into the jumping off point for a wonderful first time story.An archive search is needed for these stories.

Remembering Those Gone by Owlet
Slash. ‘Remembering’ is one of my favourite stories from the Cascade Award-winning Owlet. Blair’s efforts to help Jim through the aftermath of the events in the ep ‘Love Kills’ lead to a poignant first time.

Interruption by Lady J
Slash. Lady J turned in one hell of a hot response to the infamous MMoM challenge (not familiar with the challenge? Just read, I promise you’ll catch on quickly ;-)

The Fanfiction of Resonant
Slash. This one came from a reader recommendation (waves to Nancy M.). Now, I don’t really read much TS fic anymore, but oh is Resonant well-worth a visit to the old stomping ground. Her writing is beautiful, the kind that is so well done, it makes other writers jealous. Go check it out!

Use the shortcuts to find more of my recommendations.

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