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- age: 22
- height: 5'10"
- alignment: good
- race: Saiyan
- fighting styles: None
- weapons styles: none
- items: None
- money: $2,000
- team: none
- job: Doctor
- hometown: Tinsel Town
- spars left: 3
- status: On earth in Tinsel
- background: A Great Great Great
Grandson of Goku. He taped into his saiyan powers and became full blooded
because he has a deep bond with his long dead Great Great Great Grandfather
Goku. He trains and heals as his profession allows. Healing the sick and
helping the down-on-their-luck is a hard job. He loves helping people and making
people smile. He uses his powers when he can to help who he can. All because
of a vision that he had one night of his Grandfather Goku.
Power Level
- physical hit- 0
- critical hit [0]- 0
- blocks- 0
- evades- 0
- ki- 0
- parry- 0
- ki counter- 0
- race abilities- none
Desperation Attack
- Kamehameha Spirit-0-Holding onto his Saiyan
Blood he summons up his powers to form a kamehameha wave of legend only
great heroes like Gohan and Goku have been able to use this attack. It is
the one that finished Cell back in his Great Grandfather Gohan's day.