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Fighting Rules

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Fighting Rules

These are the rules for fighting. Spars and fights to the death will be  fought according to these rules. If i find out that you have broken any of these rules you will face severe punishment!!!!!!!

1)    you can't attack someone saying "krillin fires a destructo disk and kills yamcha" the only way you can kill someone is by attacking them and sending there power level [pl] into negative numbers.

2)    when fighting you cannot use an infinite hit combo. such as solar flare then punch then solar flare then punch...... Why you may ask??? because it isn't fair. both people should be allowed to fight.

3)    when using attacks such as solar flare or barrier you must wait until it's effects have worn off until you may use it again.

4)    techniques like solar flare or time stop cannot be blocked unless i stat otherwise

5)    if you have the attack oozaru ( but not controlled oozaru) and you see a full or artificial moon the you will turn into oozaru. While you are Oozaru (not controlled) every 3rd attack does not work. example: 1st: Fine / 2nd: fine / 3rd: uncontrolled  and then start over at 1.

6)    there must be a ref at each spar or battle to the death. this rule will not be bent or broken unless i say otherwise

7)    desperation attacks may only be used once per battle unless i stat otherwise.

8)    during a spar desperation attacks may not be used and the first person to reach the critical zone [1/4 of his/her pl] looses

9)    saiyans may turn oozaru only once per battle

10)    after each spar or battle to the death you must eat a senzu bean or go into a rejuvenation tank before you may spar or fight to the death again. if you do not do this then you will not be able to spar or fight again until the next week or until you eat a senzu bean or go into a rejuvenation tank.

11)    saiyans can only lose their tail by having it cut off by yourself or in battle or by having it pulled off. any saiyan that loses their tail permanently loses 1/4 of their pl. also saiyans can choose  to pull off their tail and not have it grow back.

12)    if you use a ki attack that causes a critical hit (ch), then you only take away a ki attack and not a ch. ex: if you use a dynamite kick and it causes a ch and it uses a ki attack then you only take away a ki attack.

13)    solar flare, time stop etc. stuns the opponent for however many turns it stats. during those turns the victim of the solar flare, time stop, etc. cannot block or evade. all they can do is sit there and wait to be attacked

14)      Death Disk and Destructo Disk can only cut off limbs when the opponent is in the Critical Zone (when the opponent can use his/her Desperation Attack) and has no blocks, counters, or evades left.

15)    if you evade using instant transmission then it will cost you 2 ki attacks. if you evade using instant transmission upgraded then it will only cost you 1 ki attack

16)    You can use Instant Transmission Upgraded to get behind someone and attack them and it costs 1 Ki Attack for Instant Transmitting there plus whatever it cost to use the attack you used. The opponent cannot evade but can block.

17)    You must be on the same planet as your opponent to spar of fight him/her. This is a rule that will not be bent or broken. Even if you do spar or fight the person and you win or lose I will not count it if you are both on different planets. this rule only applies to you if you don't have instant transmission upgraded.

18)    you may only deny a battle to the death twice per day. after 2 times then you will lose 1 spar for each denial. after all your spars are gone you have to accept the challenge. 

19)    You may only officially challenge a person to fight to the death twice a day. You may challenge different people but only once each.

20)    to clear up the matter of how to use blocks and evades. blocks take away 1/2 of the damage of any attack. evade is basically moving away from an attack. so when you evade you take no damage.

21)     when charging a ki attack you may not fire another attack while charging. you cannot fire an attack that effects you opponent but you can use a technique that effects you. Ex. you cannot fire kamehameha while charging gallet gun. or you cannot use solar flare while charging kamehameha. but you can use barrier while charging kamehameha.

22)    a critical hit is when you slam your opponent into the mountains or ground etc. This stuns your opponent for one turn allowing you to attack while your opponent is stunned. You cannot use more than one critical hit in a row.

23)    When sparring or fighting to the death if you have the ability to breath in space, and you fly into space you may only  stay in space for 3 turns. Also since you are so far away your attacks will take 1 turn to get to your opponent.

24)    When you win a battle (Spar or to the Death), you gain 1/2 of your opponents Power Level and money ($500 for a Spar and $1000 for Fights to the Death) and attacks also rise too.

25)    When you lose a battle (Spar or to the Death), you gain 1/4 of your opponents Power Level and money ($250 for a Spar and $500 for Fights to the Death) and attacks rise too.

26)    When you draw a battle (Spar or to the Death), you gain 1/4 of your opponents Power Level and money ($250 for a Spar and $500 for Fights to the Death) and attacks rise too.

27)    When sparring you my not kill your opponent. Remember it is a spar not a battle to the death.

28)   when using split form and you charge an attack with the one form you still continue to charge while your other form attacks. but if you haven't finished charging your attack before it is your opponents turn you stop charging while it is not your turn then you continue to charge when it is your turn. it may sound confusing so here is an example:

  • form1: *charges final flash*

  • form 2: *slams opponent into the ground* ch [form 1 still charges final flash]

  • form 1: *fires final flash*

  • form 2: *punches opponent*

29)    If an attack causes a critical hit and you run out of critical hits you may still use the attack but it won't cause a critical hit. Ex: if you have kaiho and you run out of critical hits you may still use kaiho but it won't cause a critical hit.

30)    Whenever you spar or fight to the death, the fighting sequence should always be: attack, effect, attack, effect..... and so on. If you are confused by this here is an example:

  • Char 1:* char1 punches char 2 in the face* (attack)

  • Char 2:* char2 evades* (effect)

  • Char 2: *char2 punches char 1 in the gut* (attack)

  • Char 1: *char1 evades and counters with kick to the face* (effect, attack)

  • Char 2: *char2 gets hit in the face and falls to the ground* (effect)

31)    You may only use your desperation attack when you reach the critical zone (1/4 of your original pl is left)

32)    If you use split form then you may not use your desperation attack.