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Jobs Center

This is where all the jobs that you can have are listed. If you want money, then you should get a job. The only way you can make money is by getting a job and earning money.


You must have an alignment of either good or neutral to be a guardian of a planet. if you are a guardian of a planet then you will automatically receive. $2,000 per week. 


You must have an alignment of evil to be a ruler of a planet. if you are a ruler then you will automatically receive. $2,500 per week. 


You must have an alignment of evil to be a terrorist. it you are a terrorist then your job is to go to different planets and cause havoc among the people. the only catch is that the guardian or peacekeeper of the planet that you are terrorizing  may challenge you and you have to except. terrorists get paid $2,250 per week. plus an extra $1,000 for each planet you terrorize. 


You must have an alignment of either good or neutral. if you are a peacekeeper then you job is to keep the peace on the planet that you are peacekeeper of.  basically if there is a terrorist on the planet then it is your job to fight them and the terrorist cannot decline your challenge. peacekeepers receive $2,000 per week. plus an extra $1,000 for each terrorist or saga enemy that you defend your planet against. 

Full Time Capsule Corp. Worker

If you are a full time capsule corp. worker then you will receive 1/2 of everything bought in a week. also you cannot go on a quest or train while you are working full time a capsule corp. and you must work for a minimum of at least 2 weeks. Also they get paid $1,000 per week.

Part Time Capsule Corp. Worker

If you are a part time capsule corp. worker then you will receive 1/4 of everything bought in a week. also you cannot go on any quests but you can train and travel to other planets. Also they get paid $1,000 per week


A mercenary can be of any alignment. mercenaries are paid by the job. if some one hires you to do a job and you complete it successfully then the employer must pay you. but if you fail to complete the job successfully or if you die then the employer doesn't have to pay you. when a mercenary is hired then the employer and the mercenary will decide how much the mercenary will get paid. after the decision then the arrangement must be e-mailed to me. in addition to getting paid per job mercenaries will be paid $1,000 per week.


You protect anyone who is challenged to a death match and can pay you a price of your liking. You receive $2,000 per week.


You reattach limbs along with using the Skill Healing to fully heal anyone who needs it. You receive $2,000 per week plus $500 per person you help.


You repair broken weapons and armor. You receive $2,000 per week.


You can build weapons and armor. You can upgrade certain weapons into one handed weapons. You receive $2,000 per week plus $1,000 per upgrade.

Ship Mechanic

Tired of having your ships destroyed from Freiza? Hate it when an angry Henchman blows up your Gravitron Machine? Well, ship mechanics are here to help. You give your assistance to anyone with a beat up ship or other space vehicles. You receive $2,500 per week plus $1,000 per repair made. Remember though, you can not train while repairing.


  • evil people get paid more money because they terrorize people and cause havoc which is a dangerous job.

  • you cannot be a peacekeeper and a guardian at the same time. also you cannot be a terrorist and a ruler at the same time.