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Fighting Styles

Everyone has to find a master to train for so they can fight. Each master has a different fighting style. Once you have mastered all of the fighting styles then you will reach the level of Grand Master. You can learn 1 fighting style per 500,000 pl.

Brute Style - a style used by many Demons, but can be used by all races . You use more anger to fuel your physical attacks. Increases your critical hits by +2. 

Kamesenin- This is a style that many humans enjoy.  This style increases your speed by training  you with weights that are 2x your size. You get +2 to evades and +1 to ki counters.

Jan-Ken - A popular style for Aliens and evil fighters all around. You are more experienced with your ki power with this style and are trained for faster reflexes with ki. Adds +3 to your ki and +2 to your ki counters.

Ninjitsu - Another style for ki users. With this style, your enlightened with ki knowledge and are allowed more speed from that extra ki. This adds +4 to ki and a +3  to evades.

Rogafufuken -this style is used by many fighters from planets other than Earth. With this style, you are taught more of handling yourself in defense,  like being out numbered. This adds +5 to blocks and +3 to critical hits.

Suiken/Drunken Master Style - this is a style that uses confusion and random moves to confuse the opponent. With this style, you gain +6 to evades and +6 to ki counters.

Aikido - The principles of Aikido involve the avoidance of incoming attacks and the redirection of their energy into a counterattack, usually a throw. The simple translation, step out of the way then toss your opponent using their momentum against them. Aikido stresses overcoming an opponent without injury. Learning this style adds +7 to blocks and +4 to evades

Capoeria - In the 1500's, black slaves from Africa were used in Brazil to build the empire of the sugar cane. These slaves lacked a form of self-defense, and in a way quite parallel to Karate, they developed a martial-art with the things they had in hand, namely, sugar cane knives and 3/4 staffs. Being slaves, they had to disguise the study of the art, and that is how the dance came into it. Their feet were manacled for most of the time, so the art uses a lot of standing on the hands feet up, and some moves are directed to fighting mounted enemies. This style allows you to create better upper and lower body power. Therefore, when you learn this, your amount of critical hits will increase by 5 and your blocks will increase by 3.

Judo - Judo is a variation of Jiu-Jitsu created in 1882 by Jigoro Kano. The name translates to "the gentle way". Judo is progressive development of many styles of Jiu-Jitsu and focuses on many throws and joint locks. Efficient hand strikes are also used. Though developed as a competition form, Judo is a practical self-defense form as well. This style adds +6 to evades and +4 to critical hits.

Kempo - Kempo is a devastating form utilizing grappling and lethal joint locks with crippling pressure point strikes and combination strikes. Most other martial arts techniques are incorporated to some degree as well. After learning Kempo, your critical hits will increase by +9 and your evades will increase by +2.

Hiten Mitsurugi -Hiten Mitsarugi is an old style on Kenjutsu created during the Sengoku era. It is designed to face many opponents at once. there are also four different categories of Hiten Mitsarugi, each one having different styles themselves. Learning the art of Hiten Mitsarugi itself makes you a great swordsman, thus increasing parries by +4 and evades by +2

Ran Genki Jutsu -to wield the sword to attack sequentially in once. 

Totsu Shin Jutsu -to attack immediately and just wield the sword once. S

Battou Jutsu -to attack by drawing the sword. Battou - an instant sword draw. Jutsu - technique. In a stance form and waiting for an opponent with the correct timing, a powerful swing with the twist of waist. It is the skill to attack by drawing the sword.