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Battle Arena



Fighting Styles

Fighting Rules

Jobs Center


Kaioshin Family


Message Boards





Saga Enemies

Shopping Center







All these rules that you see below must be obeyed for the rpg to run smoothly. If I find out that you have bent or broken these rules without my permission you will face my wrath !!!

1)    If  you want to go on a quest, train with someone, train for a specific move, take a job, e-mail your mod so that they can keep track of your progress.  If you don't e-mail them, don't expect your page to be updated.

2)    When you fuse you can only control it for 1 day. Then you have to rest for 2 days before you can fuse again.

3)    If you choose to destroy a planet, anyone on the planet can choose to stop you if they want.  You may only destroy the planet when there are no more challengers. If you destroy a planet while it's guardian is gone then you must except the guardians challenge if he/she chooses to challenge you.

4)    Creating a Planetary Defense System (PDS) around your planet is allowed. If a person wishes to challenge someone on the planet with a PDS, then that person is allowed to decline without quarrel, but if 3 or more challenges are made, then the PDS shuts down and the person is forced to fight the challengers or flee the planet.

5)    Being the Guardian or Ruler of a planet is a cool job, but a risky one at that. You are forced to accept all challengers (unless you fall under the PDS rules). If you are away from you planet for more than 3 weeks, then your people become restless and you lose your position.

6)    You cannot rule multiple planets, even if you have Instant Transmission (Upgraded), it's next to impossible to govern 2 different places.

7)    You can't be on more than one team, even if the 2 teams are allied, they may have strict loyalty codes and will punish you how they see fit. This goes the same for, exchanging info with the enemy, and any other forms of treason.

8)    You can't sell a planet, if you don't want to be it's Guardian or Ruler then you just abandon the planet. Also you can't hold a planet for someone, if you are going to be a guardian or ruler you must be prepared to serve a term of at least 1 month. That is unless you die during your term. If you die during your rule then you will lose all rights to that planet.

9)    Stealing is not allowed, as is borrowing. You can't steal any items from a person unless you killed them in battle. And you can't borrow items from someone for a while and then give them back.

10)    No permanent fusion

11)    You may search for any type of Dragonball while it is stone but you cannot use the benefits of Dragon Radars or Scouters.

12)    Each member is only allowed one set of Dragonballs created by themselves (if they are Namek) or created by a Henchman (that is Namek). You may still have 2 Namek Henchmen, but only one may create a set of Dragonballs.

13)    If you  are a full blooded saiyan and you get your tail cut off it takes 2 months to grow back. but if you are 1/2 saiyan then it only takes 1 month to grow back sense other races have the ability to heal faster than saiyans

14)    If you learn someone's desperation attack then it will be weak. also you can use it anytime during battle and it takes 2 turns to charge

15)    Attacks cannot be upgraded to stronger forms. But techniques can be upgraded to stronger forms. ex: solar flare, barrier, moon blast etc. can be upgraded for more turns.

16)    Power Levels are now changed a little. Normal Power raises from being on planets and from wearing weighted clothing. Powered up PL is raised from fighting.

So consider this: Normal PL= walking around planet PL, the higher it is, the easier it will be to find you with a scouter or any other means of reading pl.

Powered Up PL= fighting power level. After battles, this raises along with training in Dojos, HBTC, and gravity rooms.

17)    No mixing of power-ups, like Mystic Super Saiyan 4. Yes, we all know this sounds bad, but it helps all of us out in the end. Instead of mixing, you will train in whatever form you chose and that form's PL will rise. So you could train in Super Saiyan 2 for Kamehameha in the HBTC and when you were done, your Super Saiyan 2 form would have a higher PL when powered up to than your Super Saiyan 3 - if you haven't trained recently in it. I know this is confusing, so let me recap.

Here's your pl- 1,000

Here's your powered up pl- 500,000

Here's your Super Saiyan form pl- 10,000,000 (with a pl raise of 1 million, so it would be 11 mill)

Here's your Super Saiyan 2 form pl- 5,000,000 (plus a pl raise of 5 mill making a total of 10 mill)

Now you see, training in whichever form can change that forms pl to nearly equal another.

18)    When in Mystic/Majin transformation, if your PL raises high enough, you CAN reach another transformation level. (Ex- When Vegeta was turned into a Majin, his power reached a level of a Super Saiyan 2 and all other requirements were met) This can only be reached in that Mystic/Majin form. It wont change your stats while you are in Mystic/Majin because it is only Mystic/Majin, not Super Saiyan 3.

19)    Before you are able to spar or fight to the death you must pass a test on how to fight. This test is so that the mods and the updaters know that you know how to fight. If you know how to fight then it makes the spar of fight to the death faster and ultimately better.

20)     You may only learn 1 fighting style per 500,000 pl.

21)    You may only learn 1 race ability per 500,000 pl

New 22)    If you want to buy something then the shop must be in the city/town that you are in. Otherwise you will have to travel to the city/town that the shop is in.

New 23)    If  you don't have the ability to fly or a vehicle then it will take 2 days to travel to the next city/town by foot.

New 24)    If  you are traveling by car or in another automobile then travel to the next town will take 1 day.

New 25)    You cannot self train for an attack unless your fighting level and weapons level is at Grand Master.

New 26)    You cannot train while you are traveling

New 27)    You cannot spar or fight to the death with someone if you are both in different cities/towns.

New 28)    If you are a blacksmith and you are making a weapon for someone while training. Training will take 50% longer than normal. ex: if you are training with a master for 10 days and you are also making a sword for someone then training will take 15 days and not 10.

page updated by Mercury