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Here is a list of trainers and training locations you can have so you can learn certain attacks and skills. Strength Training increases your  Critical Hits. Speed Training increases your Evades. Defense Training increases your Blocks. Ki Training increases your Ki Attacks. 

King Kai

You must be dead to see King Kai or you can Instant Transmit to him. When you train under King Kai you can learn 4 things. You can learn the attack Spirit Bomb, or the following skills: Telepathy, Telepathy Control, Instant transmission, instant transmission upgraded, and kaoken. Each takes 1 week to learn except Telepathy Control and Spirit Bomb takes 2 weeks to learn. You also train under 10x normal gravity on his planet so your Power Level should rise a bit while training with him. good and neutral people only.

Emperor Kai

you must be dead to see lord kai or you can instant transmit to him. when you train under lord kai you can learn kaoken, dark spirit bomb, telepathy, telepathy control, instant transmission, and instant transmission upgraded. each takes 1 week to learn except telepathy control and dark spirit bomb takes 2 weeks to learn. you also train under 10x earth's normal gravity on his planet so your power level should rise a bit while training with him. evil people only.


on kaio shin kai only. You must have instant transmission to train with kaio shin. kaio shin can teach you Fuse and Mystic Power Up. Takes 1 week to learn Fuse and 3 weeks to learn Mystic Power Up.  good people only.

Grand Master Kai

on Dai Kaio Kai only. you must compete in the other dimension tournament and win. also you must be dead or have instant transmission to get to Dai Kaio Kai. dai kaio can teach fuse and the best attack of all time.... dragon fist. takes 1 week to learn fuse and 3 weeks to learn mystic power up. good people only

Master kai

you must have competed in h.f.i.l. tournament and win to train with master kai. master kai can teach you fuse, majin power up and super wolf fang fist. takes 1 week to learn fuse and 3 weeks to learn majin power up & super wolf fang fist. evil people only.

Guru Leana

You must be on Planet Namek and you must be Good. Guru Leana will not train anyone who has some evil in them. Guru Leana draws out your hidden Power and trains you to learn a healing move. Healing works like a Senzu Bean and you can use it on anyone but yourself. She is a great trainer if you wish on having a higher Power Level and if you have a team that needs someone with a Healing move. Takes 2 weeks to learn everything Guru can teach. You can only train with Guru Leana once.


Slade can only train you if you are on Namek. While training with Slade you can learn 3 things in a short time. You can learn healing, you can learn Speed Training (Evades) and you can learn Mystic attack (Nameks only). Takes 10 days to learn everything, but only 1 week to learn Speed Training and healing. 1 week to learn Mystic Attack.


On Earth only. Talous trains 1 week at a time. Each week you learn something new. Talous can teach you Special Beam Cannon, Mystic Attack, Powering Up, Flying, Speed Training (Evades) and Defense Training (Blocking). Powering Up and Flying can be taught in 1 week by Talous.


Morpheus can train with you on any planet because he has Instant Transmission. It takes 10 days to learn one attack at a time. He can teach you Instant Transmission, Spinning Cyclone, Hashuken, Zanzoken, Rogafufuken, KameHameHa, Chou-KameHameHa, KaoKen, Powering Up, Flying, Speed Training (Evades) and Defense Training (Blocking). Morpheus can teach you Powering Up and Flying in 1 week for beginners.


On Earth only. You can train for Burning Attack, Nova Blast, Finishing Buster, Trump Card, Powering up, Flying, Defense (Evades) and Power (Physical & Critical). Takes one week for each, only Phenix can teach you Powering Up and Flying in 1 week for beginners.


On Earth only. Gohan can teach you Masenko, Powering Up, Flying, KAMEHAMEHA and Barrier. Takes 1 week to learn each attack. Gohan can teach you Powering Up and Flying in 1 week for beginners.


On Earth only. Goten can teach you Kamikaze Ghost Attack, Makosen, KameKameHa Powering Up and Galactica Donut. Takes 10 days for each except Powering up, which takes 3 days to learn.


On Earth only. Lageta  is possibly the best trainer you can have, but because of his own pride and feelings, it will take longer to learn everything you want. Lageta can train you to learn Final Flash, Gallet Gun, Big Bang. Ground Flare, Powering Up, Speed Training (Evades), Strength Training (Physical & Critical) & Defense Training (Blocking). It takes 2 weeks for Final Flash, and 10 days for everything else except Powering Up which takes 3 days.

King Vegeta XXVII

On Vegeta only. King Vegeta is the King of all Saiyans. So he knows most of the Saiyans attacks. He can teach you Moon Blast, Oozaru, Controlled Oozaru, Koshoku and Galic-Ho. Takes 10 days for each.


Any Planet. Only Evil and Neutral can train with Frieza. Frieza can teach you Death Disk, Frieza Beam, blade beam, Death Ball (Frieza's strongest attack) & Haretsu No Maho. Death Disk and Frieza Beam take 1 week each, Death Ball and Haretsu No Maho take 10 days each. Frieza is a good trainer for Evil fighters.


Trains anywhere cause he has Instant Transmission. Xion may seem like a great trainer because of all of his skills ... and he is, but it takes a long time to learn each thing. He can teach anything the other trainers can teach except for Final Flash, Healing, Dragon Fist, Spirit Bomb, Instant Transmission Upgraded, Stolen Energy, Telepathy Control, Perfect Kamikaze, Fuse and any of the Extra Attacks. It takes 10 days to learn something from Xion and you must be Evil only!


On Earth only. Tidus Teaches Tri-beam, Dodonpa, Solar Flare and Multi-Form. Multi-form can come in handy when training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. He can also teach Split Form and it takes 2 weeks. All the other attacks take a week for each to learn.


On earth only. Tonya teaches destructo disk, and solar flare. she can . all the moves take 1 week to learn.


on planet vegeta only. Logan teaches moon blast, final fireball , oozaru, and controlled oozaru. it takes 10 days to learn each attack.


On Vegeta only. She can teach you The Ultimate Attack and Bakuhatsuha. Takes a week to learn each.

Shiro Moto

On Earth only. Shiro teaches Sokidan, Dynamite Punches and Kicks and Kiai. Each attacks takes 10 days to learn from Shiro.


On Earth only. Galia may be pretty weak but she is a fairly good trainer. She can teach you Dodonpa, Kamikaze and Perfect Kamikaze. Takes 1 week for Dodonpa and Kamikaze and 2 weeks for Perfect Kamikaze.

Gen Kame & Mr. Popo

On Earth only. While training on Gen Kame's Lookout, you can learn Fusion and Mystic attack. Takes a week for each.

Android 16 and 18

On Earth only. Dr. Gero's Androids can teach you Speed Training, Defense Training, Strength Training, and Ki Training. They can also train you for a perfect Kamikaze and Kamikaze that will kill your opponent without fail. They train anyone of any race and it takes a week to learn each technique. Takes 2 weeks to get a Perfect Kamikaze. And they can also teach you Hell's Flash, Barrier, Lightning Whips and Eye Beam and they take 10 days each to learn.

Android 17

Any Planet. Android 17 decided he would rather work alone. His sister doesn't realize this, but even though she cares for 17 very much, 17 could care less. Android 17 trains anyone as long as they are willing to put up with him. He teaches Electric Blast attack and the dreaded STOLEN ENERGY!! It takes 1 week to learn Electric Blast Attack and it takes 2 weeks to learn Stolen Energy.

Ginyu Force

Any Planet. These guys are the biggest bunch of weirdo's you'll ever meet, but they are able to take time away from posing and looking pretty to train anyone of any race. They can teach you Fire Crusher Ball, Purple Spiral Flash Attack, Time Stop, Racoom Kick, Eraser Cannon, Racoom Mahaa Attack, Genocide Attack, Mouth Blast, Speed Training, and Strength Training. These attacks may not seem too powerful, but while training with the Ginyu Force, these can be some of the strongest attacks you have! Takes 1 week to learn each move and 1 week for Speed Training or Strength Training.