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Earth Dragonballs

These dragonballs are found on planet earth. they can grant 2 wishes and can bring more than one person back to life in a single wish. but the only catch is that you can only be brought back to life by these dragonballs once. takes 2 week to find. takes 3 weeks to regenerate.    

  • Dragon: shenron
  • Status: fine
  • Being searched for by: Mercury, Raditz

Namek Dragonballs

These Dragonballs are found on Planet Namek. They can grant three wishes instead of one, but only one person can be revived at a time. The Dragon Balls can also bring back someone more than just one time. There's a catch though. The only people able to summon the Dragon and make a wish from it is a Namek who knows the password. So if you aren't a Namek and you need to make a wish, bring along a Namek ally to wish for you or ask Dende or Guru if you are training with them on their planet. If you don't have a Namek ally (that knows Namekian Language) or you aren't with Dende or Guru, you will be given a week to find Dende or Guru. The Dragonballs regenerate after 4 weeks. Takes 3 weeks to find.

  • Dragon: Porunga

  • Status: fine

  • Being searched for by: No-one


New Namek Dragonballs

These Dragonballs are found on Planet New Namek. These Dragonballs are exactly the same as the Namek Dragonballs but they where created by the New Namek Elder, Elder Muuri. They grant three wishes, and also can only wish back one person per wish, but can be wished back as many times as needed. These Dragonballs also require a password spoken in Namekian tongue to activate, and you will be given 1 week to find a Namek with Namekian language to activate them...or you can bring along a Namek ally/Henchman with Namekian language. The Dragonballs regenerate after 4 weeks. Takes 3 weeks to find.

  • Dragon: Porunga

  • Status: fine

  • Being searched for by: No-one

Black Star Dragonballs

These Dragonballs were introduced in Dragonball GT. They are found on numerous planets so it takes a long time to find them. These Dragonballs can do two things. One thing is grant five wishes to the person who finds them and they have the same capabilities as the Namek Dragonballs except you can wish in any language. The other use is that you can absorb the Dragonballs for a tremendous boost of Power for a short time. Each Dragonball has a number of stars on it counting from 1 to 7. Each star counts as a 5% Power Level increase. (Example: If you absorb the #5 ball, you get 25% Power Level increase). It may not seem much, but if you absorb all the Dragonballs, your Power Level will be boosted by 140% (which is compounded) which is a BIG difference. You can only keep the Dragonballs absorbed in you for 2 weeks and are finally regenerated after 1 month. Takes 4 weeks to find.

  • Dragon: unknown
  • Status: fine
  • Being searched for by: No-one

Dragonball Rules

1) If you wish for a PL increase YOU CAN'T GO MORE THAN A 25% pl boost. 

2) If you wish for money, you can't go more than $20 000.

3) If you wish for anything from Capsule Corp, you can wish for anything except planets and dojos.

4) You can make a wish to become immortal (but it only lasts for 3 weeks in our time so wish for immortality carefully). Immortality simply means that you have the same Power Level but you can never die.

5) You can wish to become the new Guardian or Ruler of any planet. (Just be careful about the original Guardian or Ruler, they might be a bit angry)

6) If you are dead, than you must tell one of your friends to find dragon balls to wish you back. You can't be revived until you get wished back from dragon balls. 

7) You can't make a wish to kill anybody

8) You may wish for either more Ki Attacks, more Critical Hits, more Blocks or more Evades and I will determined how much they go up by.

9) You can wish for most attacks, but there are some that you can't wish. These attacks include Stolen Energy,  Mystic Power Up, Majin Power Up, Dragon Fist, Create Dragonballs & Anger

10) if you don't have the ability to fly, then the time that you must take to find the dragonballs will be doubled.

11) you cannot wish to bring a trainer or a saga enemy to a certain location. you may only wish for a member of the rpg to a certain location. but you may wish to bring back to life a certain saga enemy and his planet.

12) you may search for the dragonballs while they are regenerating. but the catch is that it will take twice as long to find them and you cannot use your scouter or dragon radar.