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Capsule Corp.

Welcome to capsule corp. This is where you buy items and all sorts of other things. Most of these things here will have to be made by someone in the rpg. Anything that you buy that can be made, must be made by someone of that special trade and it will take however long it takes to make the item before you may use it. Ex: if you buy a saiyan space pod then you must pay a ship mechanic to to build the pod and it will be 1 week before you can use it. Also all item that are bought will be stored in small capsules for traveling purposes.

* Store schedule

  • Open on Monday-Friday  from 7am-10pm

  • Open on Saturday from 7am- 2pm

  • Closed on Sunday

* Store Locations

  • Western Capital

  • Satan City

If you want to buy something then e-mail your mod/updater (if there is no capsule corp. workers)  what you want to buy within these hours or else you will not receive the item that you want. 

* Note- All store hours are based on rpg time. The rpg clock is located on the home page.


Saiyan Space Pod-  small space pod that can only fit one person. same space pods that vegeta and nappa used to travel to earth. has no special features because of it's small size. $1,000 [takes 1 week to build]

Namekian Space Ship-  a standard namek space ship. the same ship that kame used when he traveled to earth. has no special features. can fit up to 3 people. $2,000 [takes 2 weeks to build]

Capsule Corp. Ship I- like the namekian space ship except a bit more advanced. can fit up to 3 people. has a gravitron machine that multiplies the gravity to increase your pl. gravitron machine can go as high as x100 earth's normal gravity. the same ship that goku used to travel to planet namek. $5,000 [takes 3 weeks to build] 

Changling Ship-  much more advanced than all the pervious ships. same ship that freiza uses to travel to planet namek and to planet earth. can fit up to 15 people in it. has a gravitron machine similar  to the capsule corp. ship I. also has 2 rejuvenation tanks and 4 escape pods. $7,000 [takes 1 month to build]

Saiyan Space Ship-  a little more advanced than the changling ship. it is the same ship that turles and his gang use to travel to earth in the dbz movie tree of might. it has 4 rejuvenation tanks 4 escape pods and a dojo. $8,500 [takes 1 month to build]


Sunglasses-  these are your only protection against solar flare. if a character wears them then they will not be effected by solar flare. break after 2 battles. $1,000 

Dragon Radar- the little device that goku and bulma use to find the dragonballs. it is very helpful if you are searching for dragonballs. cuts search time in half. $ 1,000 

Senzu Bean Bag-  holds up to 15 senzu beans. without this you can only carry 1  senzu bean. $1,000

Senzu Bean- a magical bean that koren makes. restores your strength during or after a battle or while you are training. $500 each

Scouter-  the same device that freiza and his men use to find the dragonballs on planet namek. allows you to read other peoples power levels. also allows you to talk to other people that have a scouter. can be used to locate dragonballs. cuts off 1/4 time to find dragonballs. $1,000 

Potara Earrings - These earrings can allow you to fuse with ANYONE! You don't have to know fusion and neither does your partner. You each take an earring and put them in opposite ears and you both fuse to become stronger than if you used Fuse! (Example: Vegitto) Yes, like I said, the fusion with the earrings is more powerful than doing the fusion dance, but the earrings disappears after one use. $6,000 

Saiyan bean Pride - This bean allows the Saiyan to grow back his/her tail, or grow one. Once a tailless Saiyan grows one, he is full-blooded Saiyan and can become Oozaru or Super Saiyan. $5,000 

Tail Protector- this protects a full-blooded saiyans tail for 2 battles. this means that a full-blooded saiyans tail cannot be cut off. breaks after 2 battles $3,000 

Mafuba Bottle - With this bottle and the attack Mafuba, a person is able to trap another person in a bottle until the bottle is either broken or the owner lets the person out. $1,000 

Henchmen- henchmen are like having an extra character, in fact that is exactly what they are. basically all you need to do after you by a henchmen is give me their, name, age, height, etc. they start out with the standard amount of attacks and can train for any amount of attacks. also they can reach all of the transformation levels of their race. can only have 2 henchmen. $20,000 

Tree of Might Fruit- this is the fruit that turles eats in the dbz movie tree of might. this fruit gives you a 50% pl boost when you eat it. can only eat 1 every 2 months. can only eat a maximum of 3 total. $15,000 


Floating Car- This is basically an advanced car that hovers when it is being operated. This is the same kind of car that Goku and Piccolo take their driving test in. Can carry 4 people. $2,000 

Floating SUV- This is basically a sports utility vehicle that hovers. It is exactly like the floating car except it is a truck. Can carry 6 people. $3,000 

Air Cruiser- This is like a smaller slower version of an airplane. This is the exact same air cruiser that bulma flies in when she takes all the z fighters to the world martial arts tournament to meet Goku. Can carry 8 people. $5,000 

Motorcycle- This is the basic motorcycle. You might have seen Bulma riding on a motorcycle in Dragon Ball when she was helping young Goku search for the dragonballs. Can carry 1 person. $1000 

Planet Accessories

Rejuvenation Tank- restores your health after a beating. takes 1 day to completely heal yourself. $2,000 [takes 3 days to make]

Gravitron Room- the same room that vegeta trains in. gravitron machine goes as high as 100x earth's normal gravity. $20,000 [takes 17 days to make]

Dojo- the training room that is in the saiyan space ship. also it doubles the amount of pl that you would get after you are finished training. $45,000 [takes 1 month to make]

Planetary Defense System- This allows you to keep unwanted people away from your planet. but  if 3 people or more challenge you then your PDS shuts down and the people are allowed in. $30,000 [Takes 3 weeks make]

Meditation Room - This rooms contains a small gravity machine, 50x gravity, that cannot be upgraded. For each week that you train, that means no learning attacks or training with a trainer or friend, in this room you will gain 2 Blocks, 1 Evade and 2 Ki Attacks. $18,000 [Takes 2 weeks to make]

Moon Projector - this machine allows you to project an artificial moon into the sky. 15,000 [takes 2 weeks to make]


this is where you can go to buy planets. all of these planets are headquarters. all planets will be named by the owner of the planet. I will determine how far each planet is from earth. you must have some sort of ship to purchase a planet. all planets can be visited by anybody.

10x gravity planet- there is an advanced civilization still living on it so there are lots of neat buildings. $10,000

50x gravity planet- a very small and very active planet. there is some life  there but they aren't very hostile. $20,000

100x gravity planet- this planet is much like planet namek. except there is a night and a day on the planet. it has a huge gravity making it a very good place to train. $30,000

150x gravity planet- the only thing different form this planet and earth is the size of this planet. there are cities and wildernesses on this planet so make sure to train away from them. $40,000

200x gravity planet- this planet is exactly like earth. it is home to an evolved race of people. the people are also very loyal to there guardian/ ruler. $50,000


Gravitron Upgrade- this upgrades the gravity on your gravitron machine in either your ship of your gravitron room. each upgrade is 50x and you can only upgrade your machine as high as 500x. $20,000

Weighted Clothing Upgrade- this upgrades any weighted clothing that you may wear. this upgrade adds more weight to your clothing. each upgrade is 5x. you can only upgrade your clothing as high as 60x. $10,000