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Dr Gero's Lab

Welcome to Dr Gero's Lab. Home of some great and extremely powerful inventions. Dr Gero after much convincing has decide to create items for good ... and evil. Here you can buy various items mainly for androids.

* Store Hours

  • Open on Monday- Sunday from 9am- 5pm

* Store Locations

  • Southern Capital
  • Western Capital

* Note- All store hours are based on rpg time. The rpg clock is located on the home page.

DNA Alteration Machine

Android Enhancements - Upgrades an androids mechanical parts. Also increases the Power Level of the android by 50%. Can only have ONE upgrade. Androids only. $20 000

Power Cell - When used it gives you a great boost of power during battle but after the battle the power increase disappears. Doubles Power Level and can only be used once. Androids only. $25 000

Android Implants - Every wanted to be half android? Well here your chance. The android implants offer an increase in power and also allow you to get upgrades and use Power Cells. Increases you Power Level by 75%. Any race except Androids. $30 000

Auto Self Destruct Unit - An exact copy of the one Android 16 had inside of him. Does damage equal to double your Power Level when you activate the Auto Self Destruct Unit. But you must first grab onto your opponent and then self destruct. Androids only. $15 000

Ki Crystals - Little red ruby-like crystals that are inserted into the palm of your hand. They can absorb half of the damage of a Ki attack and use it to restore your health. When your opponent is down to a low Power Level (below 1/4) you can grab on to your opponents mouth with your hand and drain the remaining energy out of him/her. This kills your opponent and makes them lose the power that you drained out of them. Which means that whatever you sucked out of them you get added to your Power Level. Androids only. $60 000

Optic Implants - Allows you to calculate the Power Level of your opponent exactly like Android 16. Works very much like a scouter except that it cannot communicate with anyone. But in order to have the Optic Implants you must first lose an eye. Don't worry it won't hurt, remember your an android. Androids only. $1000

Ki Gatling Gun - Your fingers turn into barrels and then they come together to form a Gatling Gun that shots Ki. It is the same as a Ki Blaster were it doesn't drain any of your Ki Attacks. Androids only. $3000

NEW Limb Replacement - This operation will replace one or several limbs lost in a battle. This procedure will take one day and cost less then a Regeneration Pill that Capsule Corp manufactures. Androids only. $8000

Thank you for visiting Dr Gero's Lab. Please come back soon because we may have new items available.