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Immortal Stan
- age: 19
- height: 6'4"
- alignment: Neutral
- race: Mechanical Android
- fighting style: (has to pick one)
- weapons styles: none
- items: none
- money: $2,000
- team: none
- job: Bodyguard
- hometown: Tinsel Town
- spars left: 3
- status: on earth in Tinsel Town on a
ki quest 8/9-8/12
- background: Immortal Stan came from
a volcano, he can withstand high amounts of damage since he is an android
and has the ability to absorb energy from the sun. He has a sword and a
shield both made from volcanic material.
Power Level
- physical hit- 5
- critical hit [6]- 9
- blocks- 12
- evades- 5
- ki- 8
- parry- 4
- ki counter- 6
- race abilities- none
Desperation Attack
- Paralyze Slash- 250 -this attack cuts
the enemy's life by 1/4 and paralyzes them temporarily. Stuns opponent for 5