Kaioshins Stats
Abilities Supreme Kaioshin- Kaioshins are the highest ranking of the gods, therefore they have double the standard stats. Object Change- Kaioshins have the power to change objects into other things for their use. (i.e. power pole into a sword) They also can use this ability to use both hands equally. Unlock Hidden Mystic Power- Kaioshins can use this to unlock your hidden power, making you a Mystic. With this, your normal is replaced with Mystic and your pl doubles. This in turn makes your alignment "good". Telepathic Minds- Kaioshins can talk/use their telepathic skills to talk to anyone in the universe or even fight using Telepathic Control. The enemy must have a pl that is 1/4 of the Kaioshins in order to use this. Flexibility- This is the ability to use both hands equally. With this ability you can do things equally with both hands. Therefore with this ability you can use two weapons (single-handed) at once. Youthfulness- Because Kaioshins are supreme beings they don't age like everyone else. They age much slower than the average person. So they could live for hundreds of years without looking old. This ability allows you to look young and therefore act young so when you learn this ability your stats will triple. Kaioshins cannot cross breed or transform.