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- age: 10
- height: 5'
- alignment: Neutral
- race: Namek
- fighting styles: none
- weapons styles: none
- items: none
- money:
- team: none
- job:
- hometown: Tinsel Town
- spars left: 3
- status: on earth in Tinsel Town
- background: Kakerate is a orphan
from namek trying to fit in. His parents were killed when namek was
destroyed, and baby Kakerate went with Dende ( followed his trail 2000 feet
behind him). Kakerate has the healing abilities of a namek, and the ki
blasts of a saiyan
Power Level
- physical hit- 0
- critical hit [0]- 0
- blocks- 0
- evades- 0
- ki- 0
- parry- 0
- ki counter- 0
- race abilities- none
Desperation Attack
- Kee-Ko-Kaka-Sho- 0 -a attack of a
shining sword, used to cut of a limb of an enemy.
- E-mail address- treblecharger133@aol.com
- Aim- treblecharger133
- Race Level- Novice
- Fighting Level- Novice
- Weapons Level- Novice