Konatsa Stats
Abilities Flexibility- This is the ability to use both hands equally. With this ability you can do things equally with both hands. Therefore with this ability you can use two weapons (single-handed) at once. Sword Master- Konatsa have trained all there lives to become the master of the sword. They are experts in all styles and defenses of the sword. Therefore with this ability you can learn sword attacks and techniques faster. As well as teach sword attacks and sword techniques faster. Weapons Master- Konatsa are experts at all sorts of weapons (especially swords). Konatsa can master any weapon that they pick up. This is the ability to master all weapons. With this ability you can use any one handed weapon masterfully. Also you will gain an extra 10% pl boost when you pick up a weapon. Transformations Blade Slinger- Once a Konatsa has mastered all styles and defenses of the sword he can become a Blade Slinger. This is the most deadly of swordsmen. Although Blade Slingers know all styles and defenses of swords you may only use one type of sword while in this transformation. You must have a normal pl of at least 1 mil and have the sword master ability. When you transform all stats double and parry gets a +5 after doubling. Also your base transformations pl will be 75% times your normal pl.