Magical Creations Stats
Abilities Matter Configuration- Magical Creations can appear and disappear by using this ability that turns them into only atoms and other molecules. Evades +2. Breathe in Space- This is the ability to be able to breathe is space. Although they can breathe in space they cannot travel without a space ship. Body Use- Magical Creations can use their body parts for weapons. Adds +3 to ch attacks. Absorb- MC's can use their own body to absorb enemies into themselves. This is a forced fusion which lasts for up to 1 hour in real time. The MC gains all power and attacks the enemy has. Candy Change- MC's can turn enemies into candy (only if enemy has no evades) and eat them, taking all pl and attacks with them. The only thing is, the candy enemy still has his pl and can physically fight you for up to 4 turns. After the turns are up, the enemy will turn back into their regular fighting form. Majin Control- MC's start off as Majins and gain +5 to their ki and +3 to ch attacks. They are also controlled by a Wizard or some other person until they reach their 2nd form. Transformations Majin Form- Fat Form (Must have absorbed atleast 3 people before transforming)- Evil Form- Super Form- Kid Form-
notes Magical Creatures can cross breed once they absorb other enemies. Magical Creatures also have transformations.