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No Star Attacks

this is where all the no star attacks will be placed. no star attacks take 1 week to train for.

Bakuhatsuha - A move where the person raises 2 fingers and all of the ground around them is decimated. If opponent is in the air this attacks does not cause any damage. Used instantly.

Bakurikimaha - This is Piccolo Daimao's ultimate attack. An extremely powerful ki blast shot using one hand, with the other gripping the shooting hand to control the shot. Takes 1 turn to charge.

Big Bang Attack - A huge Ki bolt of incredible destructive power. The person holds one flat palm forward towards his enemy and launches the bolt. Vegeta's first attack. Takes 1 turn to charge.

Burning Attack - A powerful energy blast shot from both hands. It is done by holding both hands forward, the thumb and index finger touching, and finally shooting a powerful blast. Takes 1 turn to charge.

Chou-KameHameHa - A KameHameHa like ball that can be controlled with 2 fingers and goes until impact. Not as strong as KameHameHa but can be controlled until it hits something. Takes 1 turn to charge.

Destructo Disk - A move that can slice through almost anything. It kills or severely damages the opponent if he can't block or evade anymore. An upgraded form allows a Destructo Disk to form into a lot of small disks that are much sharper and cant be blocked. It only kills the opponent when they are in the Critical Zone (a.k.a. the time they can use their Desperation Attack.) All other times if it cant be blocked or evaded, it just cuts off 1 arm or 1 leg. Cutting off an arm reduces attack power. Cutting off a leg stops the opponent from moving. Takes 1 turn to charge.

Do Ryu Sen- An attack where it strikes the ground and with the force making the ground under your opponent explode with tremendous force. Can only effect opponents if they are on the ground. Must have the Ran Genki Jutsu fighting style to learn this. Used instantly and causes a ch.

Double KameHameHa - This is done by shooting one large KameHameHa like blast, it splitting into two, and user guides these two blasts to his opponent, or blasts them with the one large blast. Good for fighting two people at once.  used instantly

Electric Blast Attack - A quick one-handed blast of electricity. Stronger than you may think. Used instantly.

Eye Beam - Beam of Ki shot through the eyes. Not super strong but fairly accurate. Perfect for grappling fights. If you are an android or part android it cost no Ki Attacks to fire. Used instantly.

Fire Crusher Ball - Ball of Ki charged and thrown in the palm of the hand. Everyone can use it, not just Jeice. Takes 1 turn to charge.

Flame Blast - an attack used by dabura. this attack is literally a flame that is fired out of the mouth. takes 1 turn to charge. 

Gallet Gun - A powerful blast that is Vegeta's version of the KameHameHa, but not as strong. Takes 1 turn to charge.

Gekito Volleyball - A unique attack used by Gotenks. It was more of a joke made by Gotenks to toy with Majin Buu wrapped in the galactica Donut technique. Gotenks  beat the ball around until finally Gotenks spikes the ball to earth. you must have galactica donut. used instantly.

Genocide Attack - Captain Ginyu and Majin Buu used this move. Very powerful small balls of ki are launched into the air, they can either explode around the opponent, or all fly at him with deadly intent. Evil Guys only. Used instantly.

Ground Flare - One of Vegeta's attacks. Raises two fingers, and a beam of energy comes from the ground. Very powerful if your opponent is beat into the ground. Cannot be used if opponent is not on the ground. Takes 1 turn to charge.


Flying Headbutt - This attack is used by many Dragonball Z good guys and bad guys throughout the series. Simply put, you fly at your opponent and headbutt them. Weak, but doesn't waste Ki Attacks. Used instantly.

Kaiho - This allows the user to knock his opponent back with tremendous force. Goku, Vegeta, Frieza, and a lot of other people did this move. Very useful move. Causes a Critical Hit.

Kakusandan - Goku used this move against many people in the series. You fire many ki bolts, all track their opponent down, crashing into him from all sides, causing your opponent's body to be jerked in all directions at the same time. Used instantly.

Kamakazi - Where you cling onto your enemy and start overpowering yourself until you explode on their backs. Does the amount of damage equal to half your Power Level at the time you use this attack , but you die using this attack. Used instantly.

KameKameHa - Goten's version oh the KameHameHa where he says the attack wrong. Still works for him, though, but still not as powerful as the KameHameHa. Takes 1 turn to charge.

Ku Zu Ryu Sen- This is an attack where you move so fast that you strike your opponent 9 times with your sword at once. This attack cannot be evaded. You must know Battou Jutsu in order to learn this attack. Used instantly

Lightning Whips - Attack from The World's Strongest where small cords come out of your arms and then become charged with electricity and then can fly out and electrocute an opponent. Androids only. Used instantly.

Makosen - Goten's equivalent of Gohan's Masenko. Done much the same way, only ki is in both arms, and you launch two very powerful Masenko like blasts.

Masenko - A move used by Gohan when he is very mad. Also very powerful. Takes 1 turn to charge.


Nova Blast - A powerful energy blast shot from one hand. Trunks' version of Vegeta's Big Bang Attack. Takes 1 turn to charge.

Oozaru Mouth Blast - Much stronger than a normal Mouth Blast and can only be used while Oozaru. Takes 1 turn to charge.

Racoom Kick - A charging knee blow lunged at the opponent. It is very powerful. Used Instantly.

Racoom Mahaa Attack - This is equivalent to Racoom's Kick only this attack is a punch. Used Instantly.

Renzoku Energy Dan - This is where Ki is charged up and shot in many rounds in small shots. Usually gets the user tired. This counts as an everlasting critical hit. It works as a barrage and the longer you use it, your Ki attack count goes down by 1 each turn. A great way to keep your opponent at bay for a while. Just keep watch of your Ki attack count. Does damage equal to your Critical Hit. Used instantly.

Rogafufuken - Goku's first move, other then KameHameHa. This is a move where Goku gets down into a stance or not, and attacks with claw like punches and kicks, finally finishing off with a double fisted claw punch. Big beat-up move. Used instantly.

Spinning Cyclone - A strange technique used by Goku at the Tenka-Ichi Budokai (world tournament). He spins fast much like the motion of the cyclone, and then knocks into his opponents. It didn't work to well because he got dizzy when he used it, and so he only used it once. Used Instantly but you must rest for one turn after using it.

The Purple Spiral Flash Attack - Move where Jeice and Burter mix their powers and start spinning in a spiral and making small purple Ki blasts fly out of it. More powerful than the million Ki blasts. You need a partner who also has this move to use it. Used instantly and has the same tactics as Million Ki blasts.

Tri-Beam - For a triangle with your hands and shot and triangle shaped Ki at him, if overused, it could kill the user because an enormous amount is shot. Takes 1 turn to charge.

Trump Card - A sword attack used by Trunks to slice Freeza in half. Must have sword. Used Instantly.