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One Star Attacks

*Blade Beam- an attack used by frieza and dabura. an invisible cutting beam that can slice through anything. can kill or severely damage if opponent can't block or evade. used instantly

*Death Ball - A move where the user charges a small but powerful black ball with electricity around it on the tip of his/her finger. Freiza's most powerful attack and has the ability to destroy an entire planet. Takes 2 turns to charge.

*Chobakuretsumaha - Piccolo's most powerful attack. Piccolo Powers Up the blast between the palms of his hands in the front of his chest, then release the blast at his opponent. Very strong. Takes 2 turns to charge. 

*Darkness Dimension - The fighter creates a large black dome surrounding his opponents. The user disappears as the opponents are thrown around constantly in the dome of dark energy. Then the dome explodes with great power. Takes two turns to charge.

*Death Disc - Kind of like Destructo Disc except for one thing. It can be controlled by hand movements. Kills or severely damages the opponent if he has no blocks left. Has the same tactics as the Destructo Disk. The opponent can evade, but it will be a waste of time because you can just keep controlling it. For every turn that you control 1 or 2 Death Disks, it costs 1 Ki Attack. You can upgrade to 2 disks which allows you to maneuver 2 in 1 turn. Takes 1 turn to charge with 1 disk. Takes 2 turns to charge with 2 disks.

*Dodonpa - A blast shot from the finger tip which explodes on impact. same finger blast that frieza uses. Takes 1 turn to charge.

*Divine Ball - Plows the enemy continuously with a shoulder cannon. Takes 1 turn to charge.

*Eraser Cannon - Racoom's very large ki blast shot from the mouth. It can destroy a large area of where it hits. Takes 1 turn to charge.

*Final Fireball - Bardock's most powerful attack. This was the attack used on Freiza to stop his Death Ball from destroying planet Vegeta. Even though the attack is very powerful, Freiza's Death Ball was still too strong and it whipped out the Saiyan race. Takes 2 turns to charge.

*Final Flash - Vegeta's most powerful attack. He uses this attack often throughout Dragonball Z. It is powered up with arms stretched out to the side, and than as the power increases Vegeta’s hands come together in front of him and than he fires the blast. Takes 2 turns to charge.

*Finishing Buster - A move used by Trunks. A very powerful energy attack that was used to finish off King Kold. Takes 2 turns to charge.

*Galick Ho - This is the equivalent of KameHameHa, only this move is for Saiyans only. Very much like the KameHameHa, only it's bigger, and much more powerful. Saiyans Only. (Harder to learn than KameHameHa) Takes 1 turn to charge.

*Hell's Flash - Fires a powerful blast from cannons under your wrist. Androids only. Takes 1 turn to charge.

*KameHameHa - A powerful blast of Ki that gets stronger as the person gets stronger. Goku's most powerful attack next to the Spirit Bomb. Takes 2 turns to charge.

*Kamikaze Ghost Attack - This is a very powerful and destructive move. The user yells as loud as possible "Kamikaze Attack", upon doing so, thousands of ghost images of him shot out. They all have a mind of their own, and if they touch or hit something, just one causes a destructive path and radius of about 100 ft. These little ghosts are extremely smart, can't be hit, nor can they shot blasts, They just have to touch their target, and the opponent is no more. takes 2 turn to charge

*Ryu Tsui Sen- An attack that shoot a ki blast that looks like a dragon out of your sword. You must know the Totsu Shin Jutsu fighting style in order to get this attack. Used instantly.

*Special beam Cannon - Actually two beams. One that goes straight and another that curves around it. Goes through everything until something big enough or strong enough stops it. Takes 2 turns to charge.

*Super Wolf Fang Fist - Move where the user goes over their max power and when they punch, a wolf like image is made. Evil guys only. More powerful than the Dynamite attacks. Used instantly.