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- age: 12
- height: 5'2"
- alignment: Good
- race: Demon
- fighting styles: none
- weapons styles: none
- items: none
- money:
- team: none
- job: none
- hometown:
- spars left: 3
- status:
- background: He was created by 3
demons miso the water demon suno the flame and kuine the wind and he ran
away but since he was demon every one wants to kill him because of a fight
with tons of people he has an x shaped scar and he has powers but all he
knows so far is super strength and super speed.
Power Level
- physical hit- 0
- critical hit [0]- 0
- blocks- 0
- evades- 0
- ki- 0
- parry- 0
- ki counter- 0
- race abilities- none
Desperation Attack
- (needs a name)- 0 -making beam swords out
of there energy and they can extend
- E-mail address- ShamanKing160@aol.com
- Aim- ShamanKing160
- Race Level- Novice
- Fighting Level- Novice
- Weapons Level- Novice