Tsufurujins Stats
Abilities Body Control- This is the ability to take over someone's body. You can only do this when your opponent is in the critical zone and doesn't have anymore blocks, evades, or parries left. You can only enter a persons body through an open wound. You may only occupy one persons body at a time. Zombie- This is the ability to make your opponents zombies. When they are zombies they are under your control until you are killed or you release them. You may only make someone's your zombie during battle. You can only do this when your opponent is in the critical zone and has no more evades, blocks, or parries. Psychic Absorption- This is a rare Tsufurujin ability that allows them to fully absorb any amount of energy (any damaging attack) and then turn it into positive energy healing him for half the amount of the attack. Because a Tsufurujin uses his mind for this he may do it when he is stunned. A Tsufurujin can only manage to do this 2 times a battle. Paralyze- This is an onslaught on the opponents mind, disabling his mind and causing his body to become paralyzed. This attack stuns the opponent for 3 turns, all damage during the stun is multiplied by 1.5. This ability can only be used 3 times per battle. |