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Two Star Attacks

 **Akumaitokosen - This is a special energy wave designed explicitly for a quick kill of your opponent when they are in the Critical Zone. When the wave strikes it's victim, the evil in their heart expands and causes their heart to explode. Of course, the victim then must have some evil in his heart for the attack to work. Does not work on Good opponents. Deals only half damage to Neutral opponents. Used instantly.

**Dark Spirit Bomb - Exactly like the Spirit Bomb except that it does 50% more damage to Good guys. Takes 4 turns to power up..

**Dragon Fist - A powerful physical attack taught by supreme Kai. You can only learn this if you compete in the other world tournament. If you have instant transmission, you can compete without being dead. If you are alive and you want to die quick, just use Kamakazi. Takes 2 turns to charge.

**Haretsu no Maho - This is a very powerful move. It allows a person to make a weaker opponent explode. Opponent must have a power level in the critical zone to use this in battle. If he/she isn't, keep fighting to drain his/her Power Level, then use it. Freiza used this move against Krillin on Namek during the Freiza Saga. Used instantly.

**Peacemaker Beam - This attack can be used by anyone that is Good. This attack is powered up and shot from one hand, the other is gripping the back of the shooting hand for support. This attack does 50% more damage to Evil guys. Must be Good! Takes 1 turn to charge.

**Perfect Kamakazi - This Kamakazi is perfect. It will do damage to your opponent equaling your Power Level at the time you use this technique. Must know Kamakazi to learn Perfect Kamakazi. Takes 1 turns to gather enough power.

** Ryu Sho Sen- This is an attack where you stab your opponent and you sword and while your sword is in your opponent emits a huge dragon like ki blast that makes your opponent explode. You must know the Totsu Shin Jutsu fighting style in order to get this attack. This attack only works if your opponent is in the critical zone and has no evades, blocks, or ki counters. Used instantly

**Spirit Bomb - A huge ball of Ki that is powered by the user's concentration and every living thing contributing a little power. Does 50% more damage to Evil guys. Takes 4 turns to charge up.

**Sokidan - This is a small ki blast, with the destructive power of Spirit Bomb. Takes three turns to gather the power, and can only be shot once, but you can bounce it around. If you are good, then the blast will not effect you.

**Ultima Blast - This is a powerful blast that can only be used by Evil guys. A small ball is powered up in the palm of the uses hand, and than when the ball is fully powered up, the user put his hand flat (like Big Bang Attack) towards the opponent, grips his wrist with the other hand, gets down into a fighting stance, and than fires the blast at his opponent from the ball that he/she created. This attack does 50% more damage to Good guys. Must be Evil! Takes 1 turn to charge.