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This is where special upgrades will be placed. You cannot use multiple upgrades for just one attack. If you would like to make an upgrade then email me the description of the attack and I will look it over and if it can work in the rpg then I will put it up.

. : Desperation Attack : .

Use these attacks when your health is down to 1/4 of it's full limit. You can only use these once per battle. You make up your own attack for this! These attacks can't be avoided and they only take 1 turn to charge. This is your most powerful attack.

. : Inner Powers : .

Everybody has inner powers, they just need someone to unlock them. Guru is the only person in the known Universe that can unlock your inner powers. Unlocking your inner powers doubles your Power Level. Problem is Guru only teaches good people. Can either have Inner Powers unlock or have your Inner Evil released, not both.

. : Inner Evil : .

This brings out the evil in people. Lord Kai is the only one that can bring forth your evil and release you inner evil. Releasing your inner evil will double your Power Level. Problem is Lord Kai only teaches Evil people. Can either have your Inner Evil released or have Inner Powers unlock, not both

. : attack upgrades : .

chou upgrade- this makes your upgraded attack chou. which means that you can control it for as long as you want. so if your opponent evades the attack the first time then you can redirect it the next turn to hit your opponent. each turn you control the attack you loose 1 ki attack. can only upgrade 1 attack with this upgrade. takes 10 days to learn chou upgrade for any attack.

double upgrade- this makes your upgraded attack a double. which means that you can shot 2 of the same blasts at once. so if you have final flash and you double upgrade it then when you fire he blast it will split into 2 beams and crash into your opponent. each attack causes the same amount of damage. takes 10 days to learn double upgrade for any attack.

renzoku upgrade- this makes your upgraded attack renzoku. which means that it takes off 1 turn of charging to the attack that you upgrade. so if you put a renzoku upgrade on Masenko. instead of charging it for 1 turn you can just fire without charging. takes 10 days to learn renzoku upgrade for any attack.

massive upgrade- this makes your upgraded attack massive. which means that it makes any attack that you upgrade cause a critical hit. so if you massive upgrade Makosen then when your attack hits your opponent you will get another turn because it causes a critical hit. you cannot upgrade an attack that already causes a critical hit. takes 10 days to learn massive upgrade for any attack.

. : split form upgrades : .

advanced split form- this is just like normal split form however you can split while transformed or transform while split. saiyans who have this attack cannot go oozaru while split, and if they are oozaru they cannot split. alien races who have the attack Kyodaika can also not split, or if they are using Kyodaika they cannot split. no matter when you use this in a fight you will stay split for the rest of the fight. used instantly. 3 weeks to learn.

super split form- this upgrade is so you can split into more than just 2, much like multi form but the copies do full damage. Max 5 splits. Takes 3 weeks to learn