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Weapons Shop

This is were all the weapons of the rpg will be held. You may not make any of these weapons unless you are a blacksmith. If you want any of these weapons then you must go to the city in with one of these weapons shops are in and you must have a blacksmith make the weapon for you. Also payment for the weapon will go to the blacksmith that made the weapon for you. All weapons that give pl boosts will boost all pls. but the boost is like when you eat a tree of might fruit. It is an initial pl boost and will not have it's own pl when you hold the weapon.

* Store hours

  • Open on Wednesday- Sunday from 5am-730pm

  • Closed on Monday and Tuesday

* Store Locations

  • Located in all cities

* Note- All store hours are based on rpg time. The rpg clock is located on the home page.

Z Sword-  a sword of pure good. the same sword that gohan uses. it has the spirit of an old kaioshin in it. the most powerful sword that a person with a good alignment can have. you must have mystic power up to be able to control the power of this sword. before you can have this sword you must travel to kaioshin kai's planet and buy it from him. also you must go on the z sword quest. but before he will let you buy it he must train you for 1 week on how to control the sword. also it can only be used while you are using mystic power up. gives the user an pl boost of 75%,  [cannot be made]

  • Type: two handed

  • Effect: turns the user to pure good

  • Note: This sword cannot be made by any blacksmith. You must go on a quest for this sword.

Majin Sword- a sword of pure evil. a sword that has been passed down from generation to generation of majin warriors. the most powerful sword that a person with a evil alignment can have. you must have majin power up to be able to control the power of this sword.  before you can have this sword you must travel to lord kai's planet and buy it form him. but before you can he will let you buy it he must train you for 1 week on how to control the sword. also it can only be used while you are using majin power up. gives the user a pl boost of 75%, [cannot be made]

  • Type: two-handed

  • Effect: turns the user to pure evil

  • Note: This sword cannot be made by any blacksmith. You must go on a quest for this sword.

Tapion Sword- the same sword that trunks uses. this is a very powerful sword and it is the best looking of all the swords. gives the user a pl boost of 40%, [cannot be made]

  • Type: one-handed

  • Note: This sword cannot be made by any blacksmith. You must go on a quest for this sword.

Power Pole-  this is the pole that goku uses when he is a child. it can increase it length. $1,000 [takes 1 week to make]

  • Type: two-handed

Ki Blaster- the same weapon that freiza's men use when freiza lands on earth looking for goku.  shoots small bolts of ki. it doesn't use up ki attacks and never runs out of ki. $2,500 [takes 1 week to make]. 

  • Type: one-handed

Dagger- daggers are small blades that can easily fit in your pocket, shirt, ect. Although it's power is small, you can attack with a dagger 2x in one turn. $1,000 [takes 3 days to make]
Type: one-handed
Effects: 2x in one turn if you are a Sword Master or have Flexibility

Short Sword- this sword is longer and has more strength than the dagger. The blade is about 2 feet long and is much quicker. Adds + 2 to counter . $3,000 [takes 1 week to make]

  • Type: one-handed

Long Sword- a very common type of sword it's about 3 feet long, the blade is sharp and much easier to handle than the short sword. Adds + 3 to parry. $4,500 [takes 2 weeks to make]

  • Type: one-handed

Bastard Sword-  one of the longest sword next to the Great Sword. Bastard sword blades are about 4 ½ feet long, and are a little stronger then a long sword.  $6,000 [takes 3 weeks to make]

  • Type: one-handed or two-handed
  • Effects: deals more damage if used two-handed and gains + 2 to counter

Broad Sword- broad swords are about the same size as bastard swords, but have a much wider blade (which provides excellent shielding), that makes great sweeps through the air. Broad swords tend to be very heavy, but very powerful. Adds + 2 to blocks. $8,000 [takes 3 weeks to make]

  • Type: two-handed

Claymore-  a blade with a 5 ½ footer that can tear up almost anything on the battlefield. Famous claymores are Connor Mac Cloud's sword from Highlander or the blade strapped to William Wallace's back in Braveheart.  $9,000 [cannot make]

  • Type: two-handed

Great Sword- It don't get no bigger than this. At an incredible 7 feet long, this is truly a sword that lives up to its name. Massively powerful, this sword can take down even the greatest of fighters. Adds + 4 to critical hits. $10,000 [cannot make]

  • Type: two-handed (even for Konatsas)

Katana- about the same length as a long sword, but much more narrow and is slightly curved. It is an oriental blade with an extremely sharp edge. This is the blade that ninjas and samurais wield. Adds + 4 to critical hits. $5,000 [takes 2 weeks to make]

  • Type: one-handed

No-Dachi- this is another incredibly long sword with a blade that's 7 feet long and a 1 ½ foot hilt. This is a very rare oriental sword and can be quite expensive. Looks like a giant katana. A famous No-Dachi is Sephiroth's "Masamune" from Final Fantasy 7. $15,000 [cannot be made]

  • Type: two-handed
  • Effects: doubles critical hits after every transformation

Scimitar- also about the length of a long sword, these delicate, curving blades weave incredibly through the air. This blade is great for parrying. Adds + 5 to parry. $10,000 [takes 2 weeks to make]

  • Type: one-handed

Battle-Axe-  This sturdy weapon can cleave through the toughest target, inflicting nasty wounds. The only problem is it's speed. Takes away -2 evades when used in battle, but gains + 3 critical hits in the process.  $2,000 [takes 1 week to make]

  • Type: one-handed

Great-Axe- this is a huge axe and if you get hit with this, it's going to hurt pretty badly. Naturally used by people with brutish fighting styles, the great-axe is just a "chop until you hit something" type of weapon. This big baby takes away -4 evades and gives you + 5 critical hits. $5,000 [takes 2 weeks to make]

  • Type: two-handed
  • Effects: doubles your critical hits after every transformation

Short Spear- the short spear is a 4 foot pole with a piecing tip on one end used for impaling people. This can be a very powerful weapon, especially on large beings. $2,500 [takes 1 week to make]

  • Type: one-handed or two-handed

Long Spear- the same as the short spear, but about 2 or 3 feet longer. The pole is sturdy and carries more weight, which inflicts more damage.$5,000 [takes 2 weeks to make]

  • Type: two-handed

Halberd- this is another of the long weapons known as pole arms. However, unlike the spear this weapon has an axe on the end for swinging instead of piercing. The halberd is very powerful, but a little slow. Adds + 4 to critical hits but takes away -2 evades when used. $6.500 [takes 2 weeks to make]

  • Type: two-handed

Trident- most people know what this pole arm looks like, but just in case, here goes. Tridents are long like a spear, but at the end are three prongs that derive from the center. Each prong is barbed at the end and is quite sharp. The trident is a great defensive and offensive weapon. Adds + 2 to parry. $9,000 [cannot be made]

  • Type: two-handed
  • Effects: doubles the users parry after every transformation

Morningstar- this is one nifty weapon. A Morningstar is a spiked ball at the end of a stick. The more famous ball and chain cousins, the flails, are quite similar but we decided not to include them unless there is some interest in it. Morningstars are heavy and deal great amounts of the damage. Adds + 4 to critical hits but takes -4 evades. $3,000 [takes 1 week to make]

  • Type: one-handed

Staff -This weapon is a long power pole looking weapon. However, this weapon is made out of Titanium metal, but is surprisingly light so the user can pack more of a punch with it. $1,000 [takes 1 week to make]

  • Type: One-handed or Two-handed
  • Effects: doubles attack power when used two handed

Scythe- scythes are one of the coolest weapons ever. A scythe is a crooked pole with two handles and a long downward curving blade at the end. Use it for slashing or stabbing and can be upgraded to a Double Edge Scythe. Adds + 4 to parry. $2,500 [takes 1 week to make]

  • Type: two-handed

Double Edge Scythe- this is the upgrade of the Scythe. It is basically the same weapon, only on both sides of the pole are blades. This comes in handy when there are more than one enemy to battle, and can also allow you more speed when used. Doubles your parry and counter. $5,000 [takes 3 weeks to make]

  • Type: two-handed