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Vision of Escaflowne


The Vision of Escaflowne (Tenkuu no Escaflowne) is a 26-episode series about a young Japanese girl, Kanzaki Hitomi, who is transported by the pendant her grandmother gave to her to a distant world called Gaea.

She is tranported by a huge pillar of light (Beam me up, Scotty!) with the young Prince Van of Fanelia, who is going through the rite of kingship. He is required to slay a dragon and bring its heart back to Fanelia to power the guymelef, Escaflowne. Unfortunately, Van is not back in Fanelia long before they are attacked by an unseen enemy, which happen to be the guymelefs of the Zaibach Empire.

You know, even though Hitomi had this whole I-like-Allen thing going on, it is SO obvious she's in love with Van. I mean, hoenstly. Why do they do that whole love-triangle when it's SO clear who the heroine is ending up with? I mean, besides the fact that Allen is y'know, 7+ years her senior, a major playboy, already had a dead lover and has a six year old son, Van is the hero. That's just the way it works...

Overall this is one of the most fun series I've watched. It definitely has its mix of serious and humorous, and the animation is good. The content and the complexity of the characters makes it excellent. So without further ado, here are the bishounen:

Van Slanzar de Fanel - the King of the small nation of Fanelia (Fanel, Fanelia - makes sense, ne?), Van is fifteen years old. He's hot headed, rash, foolish, and fiercely loyal to the people he cares for. He's the pilot of the legendary guymelef (a huge suit of fighting armor) Escaflowne, built by the Yspano clan.

Folken Lacour de Fanel - Van's elder brother and the first Crown Prince of Fanelia, Folken went at age fifteen to gain the kingship when his father, Gaou, died. Unfortunately, instead of slaying the dragon Folken's arm was torn off and he was essentially left for dead.

When Folken awoke, he was in a laboratory in Zaibach, where his missing right arm had been replaced with a cybernetic one ("Are you shrink wrapped? I am missing my arm!!"). At first horrified, he quickly adjusts and vows to help Zaibach conquer Gaea to end war forever. Emperor Dornkirk has a vision of the "perfect future" where everyone is given what they want, thus eliminating the cause for war. Notice the sarcastic air quotes.

It is inevitable, of course, that Van and Folken encounter eachother as the series progresses. Van struggles with the knowledge that his brother is the Strategos for Zaibach, and the conflicts between them are poignant.

Allen Crusade Schezar VIII - Allen is a tall, blonde, blue-eyed Knight Caeli of Asturia, a country near Fanelia. His major role is eye candy, since he's a major playboy. He has every girl he meets in love with him, including the Princess Millerna of Asturia. Millerna's elder sister, Marlene ( what were their parents thinking? @_@) was also in love with Allen six years ago, and the two had an illicit affair, producing Prince Chid of Freid. Although Allen is only supposed to be 21 years of age, which means he became a father at age 15, which is a little creepy.

Allen pilots the guymelef Scherezade (that's probably supposed to be Scheherezade) and aids Hitomi and Van against Zaibach, even though it pretty much costs him his status is Asturia.

Gaddes - Gaddes is Allen's second-in-command on the Crusade, a small airship. Although he plays a relatively small role in the series, Gaddes balances out Allen's somewhat reckless personality. A little older than his commander--the bios say he's 23, but I think he looks older than that--he keeps the crew of the Crusade, who call him "Sarge", in line and heads the attack on the floating fortress (I think it's the Vione) when they rescue Van from the Zaibach.

Dryden Fassa - Dryden is an Asturian merchant engaged to Millerna (which she doesn't appreciate, since she's so infatuated with Allen). As Erzeru likes to say, he's so Italian. He's intelligent, good-looking, rich, and a philanthropist. We meet him setting a mermaid free, although she looks like she wouldn't mind sticking around. ~_^

Dryden is a braggart, espousing his own virtues unashamedly, but at least he's right about himself. He becomed vital to the group despite the flourishing antipathy from Allen. I guess Allen doesn't like having another guy around to compete with.

Escaflowne group and miscellaneous images.


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