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Rurouni Kenshin

So I wrote a more extensive Synopsis for Kenshin, and put it on its own page. Hopefully I'll get around to doing the other pages too, but probably not tonight. Here is a list of some of the attacks used in the show.

Himura Kenshin - oh my. The scars. That and the fact that he's the baddest badass... everyone's looking to defeat Battousai the manslayer, yet no one can. Duh...he is the strongest of the Imperials, even if he fights with a reverse-blade sword now. Besides, his little "oro" sound cracks me up. ^_^ He kind of reminds me of Vash the Stampede from Trigun. Or vice versa.

Hiko Seijuuro - the Elvis cape? What's the deal? He looks like young Elvis but dressed like old fat Elvis... 0_0 And he probably drinks like Elvis too. Except the sake must preserve him, cause he doesn't look Misao and Yahiko are quick to point out. Hiko came across Kenshin as a young boy in a caravan that was being attacked. Hiko was too late to save anyone else. Kenshin, whose real name is Shinta, buried everyone in the caravan and the attackers that Hiko killed. Impressed, Hiko made Kenshin his pupil, and even poured a jug of sake on the graves of the three girls that had tried to protect Kenshin.

Sagara Sanosuke - you gotta love the hair. He looks like a rooster, but who cares? He's so cute! I love the fight he has with Cho the Sword Hunter (hohki hohki hohki!) while they're both in the jail in Kyoto. I mean, since he actually is portrayed AS a rooster...yeah. You can imagine what "Broom head" Cho looked like. Anyway, Sano has a grudge against the Meiji government as an ex-Sekihou Tai member--the farmer revolutionary group that was used and discarded by the Meiji. His idol, Sagara-taicho, died, but made sure he lived.

Shinomori Aoshi - I bet he'd be REALLY hot if he smiled too...but I kinda like him as is. ^_^ Well, he is cute when he smiles too. Especially once he gets over his whole must-beat-Kenshin-to-pluck-the-flower-of-the-title-of-the-strongest obsession. Personally, I find his devotion to Hannya, Beshimi, Hyottoko, and Shikijo very sweet and rather disturbing at the same time. He's a complex character--definitely a man whose natural tendencies happen to get a little carried away. Made okashira of the Oniwabanshuu at age fifteen by the recommendation of Okina, the former okashira's second (who, by the way, was Misao's grandfather-not Okina, the former okashira), Aoshi has a highly overdeveloped sense of duty. He could really use some therapy in some ways, which is what he does when he meditates at the zen temple following the Kyoto arc.

Tsukioka Tsunan/Katsu - He's friends with Sano and is an artist who makes woodblock paintings. They're very nice--there's even one of Sagara-taicho, which is how Sano finds him. They were buddies as kids in the Sekihoutai, and he even saved Sano from getting shot. Of course, he also manufactures bombs and convinces Sano to join him in attacking government buildings, which results in Sano having to fight Kenshin again and having his ass royally whupped. Tsukioka also gives Sano the "defense" bombs that blow up the Purgatory, Shishio's metal battleship.

Saitoh Hajime - The leader of the Shinsengumi Squad no. 3, Saitoh Hajime lives his life by the creed Aku Zoku Zan, or kill evil instantly. Yeah, he is a bit obsessed with it, but not quite as bad as Aoshi. At first I wasn't sure he should be in the harem. I mean, I liked Saitoh the first time I watched Kenshin, but there's that whole married thing...then I watched it again, and I realized how absolutely kick-ass Saitoh is. And then I watched it again, and I realized there is something very subtle and sexy about him...about those golden eyes...about that gatotsu...about the uniform...but there's still Tokio to deal with... =P

Seta Soujiro - we had to have a pretty boy, didn't we? ^_^ He really is the most kawaii on the show. He really had it bad, though...he was the bastard offspring of a prostitute who went to live with his father's family (his cousins) and was abused and maltreated. Hi, Cinderella. He repressed his emotions and smiled because that made them beat him less than crying out did. When he was eight, he encountered Shishio and was used to provide shelter and bandages. When the family found out they were going to kill Soujiro, but he slaughtered them all instead. As an eight year old. And Shishio asked him if he was crying, he smiled and said no - but he lied. The rain was hiding his tears. So he repressed his emotions and lived by the creed Shishio had given to him: the strong survive, the weak die.

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