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Hana Yori Dango


Makino Tsukushi, a sophomore in high school, goes to Eitoku, which is the "rich kids" school. She herself is poor, and is attending Eitoku on a scholarship. Sheis trying to be unobtrusive because she's so unhappy being surrounded by people who don't appreciate what they have.

One of the people she dislikes most is Doumyoji. He is arrogant! And she, of course, ends up having him and his friends "declae war" on her, which means that she is fair game for anyone to beat up and chase out of school. She is the first person who, however, fights back.

One of the reasons she is determined to stay is her crush on Hanazawa Rui. D'oh.

Maybe if I watch the series again any time soon (not too likely as is) I can write another more detailed synopsis, but now, I'll stick with this one.

The F4

They're the "Flowery Four Students" of Eitoku High School. As far as I can tell, they ain't gay, but it sounds like it, doesn't it?
Doumyoji Tsukasa - the leader of the F4, he's pretty much a big jerk when you meet him. He and the others control Eitoku and don't even wear school uniforms. He definitely grows on you, though. Especially all the times he tells Makino-san that he loves her and she a) doesn't hear, or b) doesn't realize that he's saying he loves her. Honestly, how dense is she? 0_0

Hanazawa Rui - the quiet member. He's in love with Todou Shizuka, a model, and plays the violin. He also has a bad habit of toying with Makino-san, who thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread. Rui, however, barely even knows her and is so totally in love with Shizuka! You'd think Makino-san would get the hint...

Mimisaka Akira - he's the one with the long-ish hair. Basically, he's a playboy. He likes mostly older women. As a character, he is decidedly a minor one, but he's okay.

Nishikado Soujiro - like Akira, he's a big playboy. He is probably worse than Akira, actually...he has a tendency to hit on Tsukushi's friend Yuki. He and Akira also spend some time making fun of Doumyoji and Tsukushi, who are trying to ignore the fact that they like each other.
Aoike Kazuya - he's known among our friends as "Puppy Dog Boy" because he's so pathetic and cute. He's Tsukushi's friend.

Thomas - a random German guy who shows up in Japan. He gets some, ah, interesting pictures with Tsukushi. He's in league with Sakuraka, who is trying to get Doumyoji away from Makino-san.

Junpei - a Japanese model out for revenge against Doumyoji. He embroils Tsukushi, most unfairly, but may I say Doumyoji comes out all that much cuter in the end? There's just something about a guy who lets himself get beat up for the girl he loves...


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