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Recca no Honou

Kawaii!!!! ^_^

Okay! I redid the Synopsis. It's more detailed now, although not quite as detailed as Rurouni Kenshin. But then, I think I've seen Kenshin more than I've seen Recca, which is weird, cause I've ha Recca longer.... O_o

Madougu listing. Want to know about the character's names? There's a breif page on their meanings. Here's some of the attacks used as well.

Team Hokage

Hanabishi Recca - Our high-school aged hero, Recca is obsessed with the shinobi, or ninjas. He has made a promise to be the personal ninja (or, in other words, servant) of whomsoever beats him in a fight. Of course, no one beats him, cause then he'd have to be someone's slave. However, he chooses to serve a girl named Sakoshita Yanagi, his Hime.

Mikagami Tokiya - master of the madougu (elemental weapon) Ensui, which controls water. Ensui actually means "dark water," which gives it a somewhat more sinister overtone that simple water. Ensui uses water to create a blade (it's so cool that it's transparent, too). There are also several techniques that Mikagami uses, including Zettai Reido (Absolute Zero), Tsurara Mai (Dancing Icicles), and the Mizu and Tsurara Hebi (Water and Ice Snake). He also uses Ensui to create his shadow out of water.

Ishijima Domon (as an honorary...really, he is nothing like bishounen, but he's just such a nice guy) - he's the big dumb ox of Team Hokage. But you gotta love him...especially his concern for Fuko. He says "I'm da strongest!" a lot and has a mowhawk and a pierced nose. He gets Saturn's Ring from Kage Houshi, which makes him exceptionally strong. Throughout the series he's trying to get Fuuko to go out with him. She always says no but they're so cute anyway, and you can tell she likes him. ^_^

Koganei Kaoru (he's a lil young to be even bishounen, but you know he will be once he's all grown up) - former associate of Kurei's and partner to Mokuren (ew! sketchy man!). Koganei uses the Kougan Anki, a madougu with five (well, actually six, but we don't get to see the sixth in the anime, which is too bad) forms or faces. Koganei's a little punk kid, but he's a cutie pie. He's your typical starts-out-with-the-wrong-crowd-but-his-conscience/whatever-makes-him-a-good-guy.

Team Ku

Saicho-san - the youngest member of Team Ku, Saicho-san has the Shiki Gami, a madougu which controls paper. It also makes a pretty awesome sword, Fuyo no Ken, or something like that...he is fighting for the honor of the Ku, a group whose reputation was besmirched by some students becoming mercenaries. He was unfortunately stabbed in the chest *ow* and severely wounded. However, out of this fight with his students Saicho-san got the reputation for "killing a thousand men."


Tsukeshiro , Team Uruha Maa (okay, so he's more of a girl than Dilandau, except in well, the obvious way) - he's the highly effeminate member of the Uruha, Kurei's underlings. Anyone who says "Don't hurt my beautiful face..." and has purple eyes like Elizabeth gotta wonder. But he is the essential definiton of bishounen...he's a pretty boy!!

Joker - one of the other fighters of the Jyuushin Shu, and a member of Team Kurenai. Joker wields the Taishaku Kaiten--that honkin' big staff. Its power isn't really explored in the anime, but in the manga, he plays a rather larger role. Unfortunately, in the manga he also creates a black hole to get rid of someone and sacrifices himself... ;_; Anyway, Joker is one of the three Uruha members to remain completely loyal to Kurei. He, Neon, and Raiha are the ones who stick with Kurei through it all.


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