Parn, the Free Knight of Lodoss
Parn from the opening sequence of the TV series. What's with the wind blowing in anime openings? I don't get it.
Parn standing up with his sword over his shoulder and a little rustic background behind him. What's with the way he's standing? Hmmm...
Parn looking towards the left.
...And looking towards the right. I wonder where Deedlit is? ~_^
The introduction to Parn, looking rather irritated. Probably with Shiris. Again, his name is written but not in English.
Parn and Deedlit sitting on a grassy hillside. For some reason, Parn is chewing on the grass. Maybe he's been hanging out too much with Sagara or something, because honestly... @_@
Parn and Deedlit at a party in Valis. Parn looks noticably uncomfortable, but Deedlit is obviously enjoying herself. Of course, Parn is more concerned with the presence of King Kashue than with Deedlit... ~_^
A young Parn reflected in his father Tessius's armor. One of his cherished memories.
Parn blocking someone's strike and peeking at us from under the crossed blades. ^_^
Yet again, it's Parn. What a shocker! He's looking a little surprised in this shot.