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Adventures In Rainey Land

Ok this is going to be my memories page...Thanks to the "Great" Gregory Teal I have taken his advice and have decided to make this page...Ok well i love the thought of having memories on a page for all to see but im to god damn busy to type them up. Well the wonderous butch teal never wrote the stories he was supposed to so i took the time today and decieded to update the adventures in Stacyland section.. its been along time since ive written anything for here so today im gonna reminis and do some adventures..

Pick a Memory
Mine and Butch's first drinking adventure together feb 98
Butch's Poor LiL Nipple march 98
THe Psychotic Veitnam Vet april 98
The ride to NEw orlEans oct 98
Scharizma's STUPID FUCKING CAR dec 98
yeah i left him so what? november 99*
New Years, woohoo*jan, 2000*

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