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 [ Spike ] 

> spike <

> extended <

> wall spike <

> ledge <

> hip-hop <

> reverse spike <


[ Shadow ]
> shadow <

> extended <

> extented (2) <


[ Wizard ]
> wizard <

> extented <


[ Dragon ]
> dragon <

> dragon (2) <

> extended <


[ Legend ]
> legend <

> legend (2) <

> wall spike <

> extended wall spike <


[ Outlaw ]
> outlaw <

> outlaw (2) <

> extended <


[ Inlaw ]
> inlaw <

> extended <


[ IllBeBack ]
> illbeback <








[ Arch ]

> arch <

> mexican flip <


[ Blizz/Blitz ]

> blizz <

> blitz <


[ Swoosh ]
> swoosh <


[ More Tricks ]

> ext.dragon-wallspike <

> warlock <

> skidow <

> legend-spike-dragon <

> legend-ext.wizard <

> ext.dragon-arch <

> ext.inlaw-shadow <

> more <


[ Other ]

> getting up <

> getting up (2) <

> getting down <

> health spike <

> health shadow<

> backflip start <

> start down <


[ Drops ]

> drops <

> nade spike <

> para drop <


[ Downloads ]

> schemes <

> maps <

> rope moves pack <


[ Message Board ]

> message board <



< Other: backflip start >

This one is pretty important to be efficient. Instead of turning your worms head the other side and having to change the angle of your rope you can backflip and then change the direction of your rope. This comes in very handy when a worm is close to the terrain/border and you need to have your worms head to the left/right to drop a mine on him. Always check that before your turn, it can save you from a lot of trouble. So practice this one, it's not that hard and very important.


Peter Hendrix aka IllBeBack, July 2000