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 [ Spike ] 

> spike <

> extended <

> wall spike <

> ledge <

> hip-hop <

> reverse spike <


[ Shadow ]
> shadow <

> extended <

> extented (2) <


[ Wizard ]
> wizard <

> extented <


[ Dragon ]
> dragon <

> dragon (2) <

> extended <


[ Legend ]
> legend <

> legend (2) <

> wall spike <

> extended wall spike <


[ Outlaw ]
> outlaw <

> outlaw (2) <

> extended <


[ Inlaw ]
> inlaw <

> extended <


[ IllBeBack ]
> illbeback <








[ Arch ]

> arch <

> mexican flip <


[ Blizz/Blitz ]

> blizz <

> blitz <


[ Swoosh ]
> swoosh <


[ More Tricks ]

> ext.dragon-wallspike <

> warlock <

> skidow <

> legend-spike-dragon <

> legend-ext.wizard <

> ext.dragon-arch <

> ext.inlaw-shadow <

> more <


[ Other ]

> getting up <

> getting up (2) <

> getting down <

> health spike <

> health shadow<

> backflip start <

> start down <


[ Drops ]

> drops <

> nade spike <

> para drop <


[ Downloads ]

> schemes <

> maps <

> rope moves pack <


[ Message Board ]

> message board <



< More Tricks: warlock >

The best is yet to come :) This is the Ext.Dragon-Wizard. Some people like to call this a warlock so i named it that way. Don't mail me telling the warlock is another things, because there are three moves called warlock on wormnet. This is the most difficult one. Do the extended dragon at medium speed. Make sure you dont spike too fast. Then just finish the thing of with a shadow and you are tha man....


Peter Hendrix aka IllBeBack, July 2000