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 [ Spike ] 

> spike <

> extended <

> wall spike <

> ledge <

> hip-hop <

> reverse spike <


[ Shadow ]
> shadow <

> extended <

> extented (2) <


[ Wizard ]
> wizard <

> extented <


[ Dragon ]
> dragon <

> dragon (2) <

> extended <


[ Legend ]
> legend <

> legend (2) <

> wall spike <

> extended wall spike <


[ Outlaw ]
> outlaw <

> outlaw (2) <

> extended <


[ Inlaw ]
> inlaw <

> extended <


[ IllBeBack ]
> illbeback <








[ Arch ]

> arch <

> mexican flip <


[ Blizz/Blitz ]

> blizz <

> blitz <


[ Swoosh ]
> swoosh <


[ More Tricks ]

> ext.dragon-wallspike <

> warlock <

> skidow <

> legend-spike-dragon <

> legend-ext.wizard <

> ext.dragon-arch <

> ext.inlaw-shadow <

> more <


[ Other ]

> getting up <

> getting up (2) <

> getting down <

> health spike <

> health shadow<

> backflip start <

> start down <


[ Drops ]

> drops <

> nade spike <

> para drop <


[ Downloads ]

> schemes <

> maps <

> rope moves pack <


[ Message Board ]

> message board <



< Outlaw: outlaw >

An outlaw is a move to move from one point to another, most used to cross the gap between two points in the middle of a two island map. You gotta have a lot of speed and then hit the point you are fastened to above your head. Now you gotta press space at exactly the right moment. This move requires very precise timing. When you do it right you will fly to the other point and you will only have to press space to grab the other point. Looks like this when done the right way:


Peter Hendrix aka IllBeBack, July 2000