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 [ Spike ] 

> spike <

> extended <

> wall spike <

> ledge <

> hip-hop <

> reverse spike <


[ Shadow ]
> shadow <

> extended <

> extented (2) <


[ Wizard ]
> wizard <

> extented <


[ Dragon ]
> dragon <

> dragon (2) <

> extended <


[ Legend ]
> legend <

> legend (2) <

> wall spike <

> extended wall spike <


[ Outlaw ]
> outlaw <

> outlaw (2) <

> extended <


[ Inlaw ]
> inlaw <

> extended <


[ IllBeBack ]
> illbeback <








[ Arch ]

> arch <

> mexican flip <


[ Blizz/Blitz ]

> blizz <

> blitz <


[ Swoosh ]
> swoosh <


[ More Tricks ]

> ext.dragon-wallspike <

> warlock <

> skidow <

> legend-spike-dragon <

> legend-ext.wizard <

> ext.dragon-arch <

> ext.inlaw-shadow <

> more <


[ Other ]

> getting up <

> getting up (2) <

> getting down <

> health spike <

> health shadow<

> backflip start <

> start down <


[ Drops ]

> drops <

> nade spike <

> para drop <


[ Downloads ]

> schemes <

> maps <

> rope moves pack <


[ Message Board ]

> message board <



< Swoosh: swoosh >

One of the moves on this site HereHeComes recorded. Thanks to him for the help. To do this one, make a lot of speed and go over the point you hang on while staying on your rope. When the rope direction has changed, leave your rope and fly to the other point. Attach your rope and there you go.


Peter Hendrix aka IllBeBack, July 2000